Vigilancia Tecnológica Aplicada a Nanociencia y Nanotecnología en Países de Latinoamérica
Vigilancia Tecnológica Aplicada a Nanociencia y Nanotecnología en Países de Latinoamérica;
Vigilancia Tecnológica Aplicada a Nanociencia y Nanotecnología en Países de Latinoamérica
Vargas Cantín, Patricio
Ortiz Montenegro, Ivette
Rojas Maturana, Víctor
Trends and last advances in science and technology require the application of modern tools and techniques to generate structured and useful knowledge.
The present status and the dynamics of the information in the actual field can be accessed through processes of technological survey, capture, processing, analysis and visualization of information. With this purpose, we performed a scientometric study of the Chilean scientific production. Another Latin American countries and other three countries overseas were also taken into account as a reference to Chilean scientific reality. The study was lead by Dr. Patricio Vargas from the Physics department of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria.
The study included the scientific productivity in indexed journals throughout the last 10 years. The searched areas were nanoscience and nanotechnology, constituting the knowledge-corpus that were analyzed and mapped with data mining tools.
The main conclusion of this work is that the actual quantity of scientist working in nanoscience is insufficient to reach technological development in the near future. In order to design scientific policies in areas such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, as well as in other technological areas, one of the main recommendations that emerge from this work is that this kind of survey techniques have to be applied in a systematic and continuous way by the people involved in science and technology policy. La permanente necesidad de conocer los últimos avances de la ciencia y las tendencias tecnológicas requieren de la aplicación de modernas herramientas y técnicas para la generación de conocimiento.
A través del proceso de Vigilancia Tecnológica, de captura, tratamiento, análisis y visualización de la información, es posible obtener el estado actual y la dinámica experimentada por el área de estudio a través de los años. Precisamente, con este propósito se realizó un estudio cienciométrico de la producción científica de Chile, otros países latinoamericanos y tres países referentes, dirigido por el académico Patricio Vargas, del Departamento de Física de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
En este estudio se utilizó la producción científica en revistas indexadas a través de los últimos 10 años en el área de la nanociencia y nanotecnología, para crear los corpus de información que fueron analizados y mapeados con herramientas de Datamining.
Como conclusión general se reconoce que la cantidad de científicos activos en nanociencias es insuficiente como para alcanzar un desarrollo tecnológico a corto plazo. La necesidad de aplicar estas técnicas de manera sistemática para el diseño de las políticas nacionales en nanociencia y nanotecnología, así como en otras áreas del conocimiento, es una de las principales recomendaciones de este trabajo. Trends and last advances in science and technology require the application of modern tools and techniques to generate structured and useful knowledge.
The present status and the dynamics of the information in the actual field can be accessed through processes of technological survey, capture, processing, analysis and visualization of information. With this purpose, we performed a scientometric study of the Chilean scientific production. Another Latin American countries and other three countries overseas were also taken into account as a reference to Chilean scientific reality. The study was lead by Dr. Patricio Vargas from the Physics department of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria.
The study included the scientific productivity in indexed journals throughout the last 10 years. The searched areas were nanoscience and nanotechnology, constituting the knowledge-corpus that were analyzed and mapped with data mining tools.
The main conclusion of this work is that the actual quantity of scientist working in nanoscience is insufficient to reach technological development in the near future. In order to design scientific policies in areas such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, as well as in other technological areas, one of the main recommendations that emerge from this work is that this kind of survey techniques have to be applied in a systematic and continuous way by the people involved in science and technology policy.