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Oportunidades de transferencia tecnológica en el sector de la biociencias en Chile;
Knowledge transfer opportunities for the bioscience sector in Chile.

dc.creatorHernandez-Cuevas, Cristian
dc.descriptionIn this article, the movement of knowledge and discoveries that take place in Chile, between academia and industry is reviewed. Examples of knowledge transfer activities, such as training, consultancy, contract and collaborative research as well as licensing relating to Chile’s bioscience sector are presented. In addition, a knowledge transfer ‘fitness’ index of Chile’s six leading universities is derived and analyzed. As a result, an approach for obtaining efficient knowledge transfer activities tailored to the biotechnology industry in Chile is proposed. Indeed, it is recommended that universities that lack intellectual property rights or knowledge transfer capacity concentrate their efforts in developing tailor made consultancy services, focused on biotechnology projects that could be turned into research collaborations with biotechnology companies. Finally, a number of useful information resources about the developments currently taking place in the biotechnology sector in Chile as well as a detail description of the mutual long term benefits of research collaborations to industry and academia are offered.en-US
dc.descriptionEn este artículo, la transferencia de conocimiento y de los descubrimientos que se realizan en Chile, entre la academia y la industria. Ejemplos de actividades de transferencia tecnológica, tales como entrenamiento, consultorías, contratos e investigación colaborativa como también el licenciamiento relacionado con el sector de las Biociencias en Chile son presentados. Adicionalmente se presenta un índice de “salud” de transferencia del conocimiento derivado del análisis de las seis Universidades líderes. Como resultado, se propone una aproximación para la obtención de actividades eficientes de transferencia tecnológica, ajustadas a la industria biotecnológica chilena. Así también se recomienda que las Universidades que carecen de derechos de propiedad intelectual o de capacidad de transferencia tecnológica, concentren sus esfuerzos en el desarrollo de servicios de consultoría, enfocados en los proyectos de biotecnología que podrían transformarse en investigaciones colaborativas con las compañías biotecnológicas. Finalmente, se ofrecen un número de fuentes de información útil acerca de los desarrollos que usualmente toman lugar en el sector biotecnológico en Chile, como también una descripción en detalle de los beneficios mutuos a largo plazo de las investigaciones
dc.descriptionIn this article, the movement of knowledge and discoveries that take place in Chile, between academia and industry is reviewed. Examples of knowledge transfer activities, such as training, consultancy, contract and collaborative research as well as licensing relating to Chile’s bioscience sector are presented. In addition, a knowledge transfer ‘fitness’ index of Chile’s six leading universities is derived and analyzed. As a result, an approach for obtaining efficient knowledge transfer activities tailored to the biotechnology industry in Chile is proposed. Indeed, it is recommended that universities that lack intellectual property rights or knowledge transfer capacity concentrate their efforts in developing tailor made consultancy services, focused on biotechnology projects that could be turned into research collaborations with biotechnology companies. Finally, a number of useful information resources about the developments currently taking place in the biotechnology sector in Chile as well as a detail description of the mutual long term benefits of research collaborations to industry and academia are
dc.publisherFacultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad Alberto Hurtadoen-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2006 Journal of Technology Management & Innovationen-US
dc.sourceJournal of Technology Management & Innovation; Vol. 1 No. 3 (2006); 4-16en-US
dc.sourceJournal of Technology Management & Innovation; Vol. 1 Núm. 3 (2006); 4-16es-ES
dc.titleKnowledge transfer opportunities for the bioscience sector in Chile.en-US
dc.titleOportunidades de transferencia tecnológica en el sector de la biociencias en Chilees-ES
dc.titleKnowledge transfer opportunities for the bioscience sector in
dc.typeArtículo revisado por paresen-US

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