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Cooling histories and deformation of plutonic rocks along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, Southern Chile (41°-42°15'S)

dc.creatorAdriazola, Alberto
dc.creatorStockhert, Bernhard
dc.descriptionObservaciones estructurales y microestructurales, combinadas con resultados de medidas de huellas de fision en circon y apatita en dos segmentos de la Cordillera Principal de la Region de Los Lagos de Chile revelan una historia episodica de intrusion y deformacion del Batolito Norpatagonico (BNP). Se infiere un desplazamiento dextral de ~30 km a lo largo de la zona de falla Liquiñe-Ofqui segun la correlacion de intrusiones Cretacicas del BNP localizadas en distintos flancos de la zona de falla en el area de Reloncavi. Las historias de enfriamiento de circon y apatita indican un alzamiento relativo del bloque occidental durante el Mioceno Tardio. En general, las microestructuras observadas en muestras de intrusiones miocenas y cretacicas a lo largo de la zona de falla muestran deformacion a temperaturas por debajo de los ~300°C, con la excepcion de algunas muestras que indican deformacion a temperaturas mayores durante el Cretacico. En el area de Hornopiren, se infiere un importante alzamiento relativo del bloque oriental basado en: 1. los distintos estilos de deformacion observados a ambos lados de la zona de falla, 2. el analisis cinematico en una zona de cizalla en tonalitas, 3. los datos de geobarometria de asociaciones minerales de la aureola de metamorfismo de contacto. Para las rocas plutonicas del area de Hornopiren, se estiman tasas extremas de rapido enfriamiento segun indican los datos de termocronometria, lo que sugiere la actividad de sistemas hidrotermales o efectos termales producidos por intrusivos epizonales tardiosABSTRACT:Stmcturalandmicrostmctaralobseirationscombmedwithapatiteandzirconfission4rackthermochronology within two sectors of the Main Andean Range in the Los Lagos Region of Chile reveal an episodic history of intrusion and deformation in the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB). A dextral displacement of ~30 km along the Liquifle-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) is inferred from the correlation of corresponding Cretaceous intrusions of the NPB across the fault zone at Reloncavi. Relative uplift of the western block in the late Miocene is indicated by apatite and zircon fission-track cooling histories. Microstructures in samples from Miocene and Cretaceous plutons along the fault zone generally indicate deformation at temperatures below ~300°C, with the exception of some samples from Cretaceous intrusions showing deformation at higher temperatures. In the Hornopiren area, significant relative uplift of the eastern block is indicated by 1. the different styles of deformation observed across the fault zone, 2. kinematic analysis of a shear zone in tonalite and 3. geobarometry of contact metamorphic mineral assemblages. For the plutonic rocks in the Hornopiren area, extremely rapid cooling is indicated by thermochronometry, suggesting the activity of hydrothermal systems or thermal effects of late shallow intrusionses-ES
dc.descriptionStructural and microstructural observations combined with apatite and zircon fission track thermochronology within two sectors of the Main Andean Range in the Los Lagos Region of Chile reveal an episodic history of intrusion and deformation in the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB). A dextral displacement of ~30 km along the Liquifle-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) is inferred from the correlation of corresponding Cretaceous intrusions of the NPB across the fault zone at Reloncavi. Relative uplift of the western block in the late Miocene is indicated by apatite and zircon fission-track cooling histories. Microstructures in samples from Miocene and Cretaceous plutons along the fault zone generally indicate deformation at temperatures below ~300°C, with the exception of some samples from Cretaceous intrusions showing deformation at higher temperatures. In the Hornopirén area, significant relative uplift of the eastern block is indicated by 1. the different styles of deformation observed across the fault zone, 2. kinematic analysis of a shear zone in tonalite and 3. geobarometry of contact metamorphic mineral assemblages. For the plutonic rocks in the Hornopirén area, extremely rapid cooling is indicated by thermochronometry, suggesting the activity of hydrothermal systems or thermal effects of late shallow intrusions.en-US
dc.publisherServicio Nacional de Geología y Mineríaen-US
dc.sourceAndean Geology; Vol 35, No 1 (2008)es-ES
dc.sourceAndean Geology; Vol 35, No 1 (2008)en-US
dc.titleHistoria de enfriamiento y deformacion de rocas plutonicas a lo largo de la Zona de Falla Liquiñe-Ofqui, Sur de Chile (41°-42°15'S)Cooling histories and deformation of plutonic rocks along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, Southern Chile (41°-42°15'S).es-ES
dc.titleCooling histories and deformation of plutonic rocks along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, Southern Chile (41°-42°15'S)en-US

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