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dc.creatorVivaldi V,Ennio A
dc.creatorMaldonado A,Pedro
dc.descriptionA personal computer equipped with an analog-to-digital conversion card is able to input, store and display signals of biomedical interest. These signals can additionally be submitted to ad-hoc software for analysis and diagnosis. Data acquisition is based on the sampling of a signal at a given rate and amplitude resolution. The automation of signal processing conveys syntactic aspects (data transduction, conditioning and reduction); and semantic aspects (feature extraction to describe and characterize the signal and diagnostic classification). The analytical approach that is at the basis of computer programming allows for the successful resolution of apparently complex tasks. Two basic principles involved are the definition of simple fundamental functions that are then iterated and the modular subdivision of tasks. These two principles are illustrated, respectively, by presenting the algorithm that detects relevant elements for the analysis of a polysomnogram, and the task flow in systems that automate electrocardiographic reports (Rev Méd Chile 2001; 129: 955-62)
dc.publisherSociedad Médica de Santiago
dc.sourceRevista médica de Chile v.129 n.8 2001
dc.subjectComputer-aides design
dc.subjectComputer systems
dc.titleComputadores en investigación biomédica: I. Análisis de señales bioeléctricas

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