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Underlying Cognitive Mechanisms Associated With the Emotional Work: Analysis of Depressive Patients’ Verbal Expressions

dc.contributorNational Fund for Scientific and Technological Development [Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT Nº1080136)en-US
dc.creatorValdés, Nelson; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
dc.descriptionThe narrative of depressed patients is characterized by the type of content verbalized and the cognitive processes involved. The work of contents associated with the patient’s emotional experience during the conversation involves 3 communicative patterns (CPs) used to work on emotional contents during change episodes (CEs): affective exploration, attunement and resignification (Valdés, Krause, Tomicic, & Espinosa, 2012). The objective of the study was to analyze patients’ and therapists’ CPs and verbalized words to determine the underlying cognitive mechanisms (cause, insight, tentative and certainty) involved in the work of emotional contents during CEs which were identified in 2 psychodynamic therapies in Santiago, Chile. The verbal expressions were analyzed using the Therapeutic Activity Coding System (Valdés, Tomicic, Pérez, & Krause, 2010) and the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker, Francis, & Booth, 2001). The results demonstrate that cognitive mechanisms play an important role in the process of change, depending on the CP used by the speaker. Therapy promotes a constructive reasoning in which patients eventually adopt some linguistic structures verbalized by their therapists when using the affective resignification pattern. en-US
dc.description The narrative of depressed patients is characterized by the type of content verbalized and the cognitive processes involved. The work of contents associated with the patient’s emotional experience during the conversation involves 3 communicative patterns (CPs) used to work on emotional contents during change episodes (CEs): affective exploration, attunement and resignification (Valdés, Krause, Tomicic, & Espinosa, 2012). The objective of the study was to analyze patients’ and therapists’ CPs and verbalized words to determine the underlying cognitive mechanisms (cause, insight, tentative and certainty) involved in the work of emotional contents during CEs which were identified in 2 psychodynamic therapies in Santiago, Chile. The verbal expressions were analyzed using the Therapeutic Activity Coding System (Valdés, Tomicic, Pérez, & Krause, 2010) and the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker, Francis, & Booth, 2001). The results demonstrate that cognitive mechanisms play an important role in the process of change, depending on the CP used by the speaker. Therapy promotes a constructive reasoning in which patients eventually adopt some linguistic structures verbalized by their therapists when using the affective resignification pattern.   es-ES
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica de Chilees-ES
dc.rightsUna vez aceptado un artículo, los autores firmarán un formulario de transferencia de los derechos del artículo a Psykhe.El autor conservará los derechos intelectuales de la obra y transfiere los derechos patrimoniales a
dc.rightsOnce an article is accepted, authors will sign a form for transferring the rights of the article to Psykhe.The authors preserve the copyright of their work but transfer their royalties to Psykhe. en-US
dc.sourcePsykhe; Volumen 23, Número 1 (2014)es-ES
dc.sourcePsykhe; Volumen 23, Número 1 (2014)en-US
dc.subjecttherapy, change episodes, cognitive mechanisms, linguistic style, resignificationen-US
dc.subjecttherapy, change episodes, cognitive mechanisms, linguistic style, resignificationes-ES
dc.titleUnderlying Cognitive Mechanisms Associated With the Emotional Work: Analysis of Depressive Patients’ Verbal Expressionsen-US
dc.titleUnderlying Cognitive Mechanisms Associated With the Emotional Work: Analysis of Depressive Patients’ Verbal Expressionses-ES
dc.typeDiseño Mixtoen-US

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