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dc.creatorPérez R., Mari Carmen
dc.creatorGarcí­a, Carmen Teresa
dc.descriptionThis paper is part of a broader research on the Venezuelan sociology in previous times and today. In this chance, we will make reference to the analysis of some partial results of the research: In the first place, we refer to a qualitative analysis of the definition of the graduate starting from the academic profile stated in documents such as the curricula of the Sociology Schools in Venezuelan Universities, the publication referred to the studies opportunities in the Universities in Venezuela emitted by the National Universities Bureau (CNU for its name in Spanish), from the Descriptive Manual of Jobs Classification from the Main Personnel Office and the Collegiate Law. -In the second place, we refer to the results of ten (10) case studies of Sociologists that have highlighted the development of this discipline as professionals in colleges (researches and faculties) and in the public and private administration. These professionals gave their opinions on the object of study of Sociology, relationship among the sociology schools, job offers in the market and the graduate profile; the links of sociology to other disciplines and the challenges of Sociology as a discipline and as a profession. In the third place, a qualitative-quantitative analysis of some data obtained from a survey to 62 sociologists graduated in the 90s, referred to the characterization of the sociology professional and his or her job as a sociologist (demographic information, academic information, working situation), and finally some conclusions from this research such as the existence of a mismatching between the academic profile and the professional one, a disappearance of the discipline and the profession from the job offers in the market in these globalization times and we want to open a discussion on the challenges of the Sociology as discipline and as a profession in front of the multidisciplinary environment that is making it disappear as such. en-US
dc.descriptionResumen El trabajo que presentamos, es parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la Sociologí­a venezolana ayer y hoy1. En esta oportunidad, vamos a hacer referencia al análisis de algunos resultados parciales de la investigación: En primer lugar, a un análisis cualitativo de la definición del egresado/a a partir del perfil académico plasmado en documentos como los planes de estudio de las Escuelas de Sociologí­a de universidades venezolanas, la publicación referida a oportunidades de estudios en las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Venezuela del Consejo Nacional de Universidades (CNU), el Manual Descriptivo de Clasificación de Cargos de la Oficina Central de Personal, y la Ley de Colegiación. En segundo lugar, se presentarán diez (10) estudios de caso de sociólogos/as que se han destacado en el desarrollo de esta disciplina como profesionales en las universidades (docentes e investigadores/as) y en la administración pública y privada. Estos profesionales opinaron sobre el Objeto de Estudio de la Sociologí­a; Relación de las Escuelas de Sociologí­a, el Mercado de Trabajo y el Perfil de Egreso; su vinculación con otras disciplinas y los desafí­os de la Sociologí­a como disciplina y profesión. En tercer lugar, un análisis cuanti-cualitativo de los datos obtenidos de una encuesta aplicada a 62 sociólogos/as egresados(as) en la década de los 90, referida a la caracterización del profesional de Sociologí­a y su quehacer como sociólogo/a (datos demográficos, estudios realizados,situación laboral), y finalmente, algunas conclusiones que se desprenden de esta investigación como la existencia de un desencuentro entre el perfil académico y el profesional, una invisibilización de la disciplina y la profesión en el mercado de trabajo en tiempos de globalización, y queremos dejar abierta la discusión del desafí­o que tiene la Sociologí­a como disciplina y profesión ante la transdisciplinariedad que la invisibiliza y/o la desaparece como tal.Palabras clave: Perfil de egreso, Mercado de Trabajo, Sociologí­a, Venezuela.AbstractThis paper is part of a broader research on the Venezuelan sociology in previous times and today. In this chance, we will make reference to the analysis of some partial results of the research: In the first place, we refer to a qualitative analysis of the definition of the graduate starting from the academic profile stated in documents such as the curricula of the Sociology Schools in Venezuelan Universities, the publication referred to the studies opportunities in the Universities in Venezuela emitted by the National Universities Bureau (CNU for its name in Spanish), from the Descriptive Manual of Jobs Classification from the Main Personnel Office and the Collegiate Law. -In the second place, we refer to the results of ten (10) case studies of Sociologists that have highlighted the development of this discipline as professionals in colleges (researches and faculties) and in the public and private administration. These professionals gave their opinions on the object of study of Sociology, relationship among the sociology schools, job offers in the market and the graduate profile; the links of sociology to other disciplines and the challenges of Sociology as a discipline and as a profession. In the third place, a qualitative-quantitative analysis of some data obtained from a survey to 62 sociologists graduated in the 90s, referred to the characterization of the sociology professional and his or her job as a sociologist (demographic information, academic information, working situation), and finally some conclusions from this research such as the existence of a mismatching between the academic profile and the professional one, a disappearance of the discipline and the profession from the job offers in the market in these globalization times and we want to open a discussion on the challenges of the Sociology as discipline and as a profession in front of the multidisciplinary environment that is making it disappear as such.Key words: Graduate profile, Job offers, Sociology,
dc.publisherUniversidad Católica Silva Henrí­quezes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2017 Revista Temas Sociológicoses-ES
dc.sourceRevista Temas Sociológicos; No. 13 (2009): Revista Temas Sociológicos; 11-48en-US
dc.sourceRevista Temas Sociológicos; Núm. 13 (2009): Revista Temas Sociológicos; 11-48es-ES
dc.subjectGraduate profileen-US
dc.subjectJob offersen-US
dc.titleLa Sociologí­a en Venezuela. Una mirada a la disciplina y profesión desde dos generacioneses-ES

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