Between certainty and uncertainty: Academic research
Entre certidumbre e incertidumbre: seminarios
Bertrand S., María
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The first voyage upon the paths and landscapes in the life of “knowledge”; students’ research papers are simultaneously a voyage and just a tale told to others. Voyages and tales, travelers and achievements that correspond to the cognitive world implied bythe inflection determined by the means of traveling and the means of telling. These voyages are inscribed in the path towards “complexity” that links certainty to indetermination to uncertainty to unspeakable to “aporias” in worlds of knowledge-power or worlds of knowledge-hospitability. Most of the commented students’ research papers seek the “knowledge-hospitability” that investigates the concretion of what is actually already “there”, the quotidian: in other words, they manifest the urgency to cultivate means, resources and ways to travel across paths of knowledge while considering the “Levinasian” façade of reality. Primer viaje por los caminos y paisajes de la vida del “saber”, seminario es, simultáneamente, viaje y relato justo comunicable a terceros. Viajes y relatos, viajeros y logros consecuentes con el mundo cognitivo implicado por la inflexión inicial determinantede maneras de viajar y maneras de relatar. Viajes inscritos en el avance general del saber hacia “complejidad” que enlaza certidumbre a indeterminación a incertidumbre a indecible y a aporías en mundos de saber-poder o en mundos de saber-hospitalidad. Mayoritariamente, los seminarios buscan acceder al “saber-hospitalidad” que indaga la “concretitud” de lo que ya “está ahí”, en acto, cotidiano: manifiestan, en otros términos, la urgencia de cultivar medios, recursos, condiciones para recorrer caminos atentos al “rostro” Levinasiano de la realidad.