Bodie, crime and literature: Bodie, crime and literature: Decadent appropriations by Lombroso and Morel in México in the era of Porfirio Díaz
Cuerpo, crimen y escritura. Apropiaciones decadentes de Lombroso y Morel en el México porfiriano: Bodie, crime and literature: Decadent appropriations by Lombroso and Morel in México in the era of Porfirio Díaz
Zavala Diaz, Ana Laura
In the cusp of the regime by the Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz, positivism was incorporated and adapted by the elite and power groups of the country in order to promote several social and discursive practices. This included as the main ingredient, the medical narrative of the times. The word "Medicine" was then a significantly powerful term in those days, and it did not refer only to the sciences and techniques for the treatment of diseases, but moreover, it encompassed different connotations, which, according to the formulation by Foucault in "The birth of the clinic" , gave rise to the notion and definition of -The healthy individual- that is, a category which would come not only to include the experience of not being sick, but also, the definition of a model-man, and would even go into the discursive constructions of other fields, including the legal one. In the present contribution, I will be analyzing the short story "The Case of Pedro" by the author Ciro B. Ceballos. Through this analysis I am interested in exploring the diverse counter-appropriations and redefinitions of the clinical and criminal terms and archives which where attempted by several writers of the decadent movement in México. Specifically, these counteractions by the decadents struggled to alter and redefine the main ideas by Cesare Lombroso and Bénédict Augustin Morel, with the aim of questioning the core of the dominant ideas of the end of the 19th century in Mexico, which relied heavily in scientism type arguments. The rebellious appropriation of diverse terms and documents by the decandentists came to be a mechanism which attempted to subvert the trends put forward by the groups in power towards a standardization of the writing profession, and instead, to propose lines of action for a much more exploratory and independent literature for the Mexican authors of the end of the century En el apogeo del régimen del dictador Porfirio Díaz, el positivismo, adaptado y adoptado por los sectores letrados en el poder, fomentó el desarrollo de prácticas sociales y discursivas, cuyo principal subtexto fue la narrativa médica de la época. Palabra dominante, la medicina no se redujo, en ese momento, al ""˜corpus' de las técnicas de curación y del saber que éstas" requerían; desarrolló, también, como formuló Foucault en El nacimiento de la clínica, "un conocimiento del hombre saludable, es decir, a la vez una experiencia del hombre no enfermo y una definición del hombre modelo" , que atravesaría otros discursos, tales como el legal. En el presente artículo, me interesa indagar, mediante el análisis del cuento "El caso de Pedro" , de Ciro B. Ceballos, las apropiaciones y la resemantización que algunos decadentistas hicieron del archivo clínico y criminalístico, en particular de las ideas de Cesare Lombroso y Bénédict Augustin Morel, con el fin de cuestionar los principios de la razón cientificista y postular nuevas rutas de conocimiento, como un mecanismo para dirimir asuntos relacionados con la profesionalización del escritor y la autonomización del campo literario en el México decimonónico finisecular.
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