Three rational actions of the anti-rationalist Luther
Tres acciones racionales del antirracionalista Lutero
Jaime Nieto, Juan Pablo
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Due to his contributions, Luther may represent a key personality to understand the beginnings of modernity, despite the religious lines of his thought didn’t match with the principles of that movement because his purpose was to submit all human faculties to the realm of faith, refusing to consider the reason as a principle of the human guide. Nevertheless, when the Augustinian took his uprising, he didn’t realized how rational was the procedures he takes to put on motion his reform. Therefore, above the religious attitude, the actions taken by Luther represent a search of alternatives expressed in a rational way. Debido a sus aportaciones, Lutero representaría un personaje clave para entender el inicio de la modernidad, aunque las líneas religiosas de su pensamiento no corresponden con los principios de este movimiento, ya que su propuesta sometía toda facultad humana a la fe, rechazando la razón como principio rector de la voluntad. No obstante, en su alzamiento, el agustino no se percató de lo racional que fue su proceder a través de las acciones tomadas para impulsar su reforma, dejando ver que, por encima de lo religioso, las iniciativas de Lutero, representan una búsqueda de alternativas expresadas racionalmente.