Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnología: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 1074
Juvenile-mature wood evaluation along the bole considering the influence of silvicultural treatments
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Elastic constants of chilean Pinus radiata using ultrasound
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Quantitative evaluation of microwave irradiation on short-rotation plantation wood species
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-14. -
The use of borax pentahydrate of ınorganıc fıller ın medıum densıty fıberboard productıon
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-18. -
Evaluation of the properties of hybrid yellow poplar (Liriodendron sino-americanum): A comparison study with yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-16. -
Evaluación de la eficiencia energética de un proceso continuo de tratamiento de residuos agroforestales mediante carbonización hidrotérmica
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Structural analyses of wooden chairs by finite element method (FEM) and assessment of the cyclic loading performance in comparison with allowable design loads
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-16. -
Tiempo de esterilización mediante vapor de la madera aserrada de pino radiata
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-14. -
Changes in wood properties of chestnut wood structural elements with natural aging
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-12. -
Flooring characteristics of thermo-mechanical densified wood from three hardwood tropical species in costa rica
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-12. -
Estimation of density, moisture content and strength properties of Tectona grandis wood using near infrared spectroscopy
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-12. -
Status of production, distribution and determinants of biomass briquette acceptability in kampala, uganda
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-8. -
Properties of biomass obtained from short-rotation inger willow clone grown on a contaminated and non-contaminated land
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-12. -
Evaluation of wood-based coating performance for ultraviolet roller and conventional air-atomization processes
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Colorimetría de los tallos del bambú (Guadua angustifolia) en tres estados de madurez
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Estimation model of mechanical properties from the compressive strength values
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 22 No. 4 (2020); 483-494. -
Properties of thermally modified teakwood
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-16. -
Radial variation in cell morphology of melia azedarach planted in northern vietnam
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-10. -
Shear strength in friction welded joint of poplar wood impregnated with copper-based wood preservative
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-8. -
Physical and mechanical properties of wood from invasive tree species
Maderas-Cienc Tecnol; Vol. 23 (2021); 1-8.