Esquivel-Ríos, Rocío
Martínez-Sánchez, Araceli
Villaseñor-Ramírez, María M.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the touristization process that has taken place in Bahías de Huatulco. Understanding that this term is relatively new and little used in Mexico, which is considered a window of opportunity to create a watershed on the subject.Huatulco being a tourist development created by FONATUR (National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism) has been growing gradually displacing the receiving community, giving priority to tourists in almost every way, thereby increasing various social phenomena, such as tourism phobia and touristization.That is why this document aims to show how tourism has become so important for the destination, leaving the host community in the background.The purpose of this paper is to identify the touristization process that has taken place in Bahías de Huatulco. Understanding that this term is relatively new and little used in Mexico, which is considered a window of opportunity to create a watershed on the subject.Huatulco being a tourism development created by FONATUR (National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism) has been growing gradually displacing the host community, giving priority to tourists in almost every way, thereby generating various social phenomena, such as tourism phobia and touristization.
That is why this document aims to show how tourism has become so important for the destination, leaving the receiving community in the background.The design of this research is considered non-experimental, derived from the intentional non-manipulation of the variables.At the same time, it is of a longitudinal nature of evolution due to the fact that information is collected regarding the activities aimed at tourists and the receiving community since the beginning of the CIP. As well as the behavior of the influx of tourists to the destination since 2010.Among the main findings obtained, it can be mentioned that a notable growth of festivities and celebrations aimed at eradicating the seasonality of tourist activity in the destination was identified. These activities are mostly of a sports nature.Regarding the infrastructure and equipment of the city, an improvement could be noted in the cleanliness of the city in general, the collection of garbage and the obtaining of clean beach certifications. Although on the other hand the phenomenon of gentrification was observed in an initial stage. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad identificar el proceso de turistización que se ha dado en Bahías de Huatulco. Entendiendo que este término es relativamente nuevo y poco usado en México, lo cual se considera una ventana de oportunidad para crear un parteaguas en el tema.Huatulco siendo un desarrollo turístico creado por FONATUR (Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo) ha ido creciendo paulatinamente desplazando a la comunidad receptora, dando prioridad a los turistas en casi todos los sentidos, generando con ello diversos fenómenos sociales, como es la turismofobia y la turistización.Es por ello que el presente documento tiene como finalidad mostrar la forma en que el turismo ha cobrado tanta importancia para el destino quedando en segundo término la comunidad receptora.El diseño de esta investigación es considerado de tipo no experimental derivado de la no manipulación intencionada de las variables.Al mismo tiempo es de carácter longitudinal de evolución debido a que se recaba información con respecto a las actividades dirigidas a turistas y comunidad receptora desde el inicio del CIP. Así como el comportamiento de la afluencia de turistas al destino desde el año 2010. Dentro de los principales hallazgos obtenidos se pueden mencionar que se identificó un notable crecimiento de las festividades y celebraciones encaminadas a erradicar la estacionalidad de la actividad turística en el destino. Estas actividades son en su mayoría de orden deportivo. Con respecto a la infraestructura y equipamiento de la ciudad, se pudo notar una mejoría en la limpieza de la ciudad en general, la recolección de basura y la obtención de certificaciones de playas limpias. Aunque por otro lado se observó el fenómeno de gentrificación en una etapa inicial.