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Criticism and Normativity of Political Discourse

dc.creatorGomez, Julder
dc.descriptionEl tema de este artículo es el discurso y la argumentación política. El pro­pósito es esclarecer su función, su normatividad y el tipo de crítica apropiado. Para conseguir estos propósitos, expongo algunas contribuciones de Norman Fairclough e Isabela Fairclough (2013), destaco algunos de sus compromisos teóricos, señalo dos problemas que la aceptación de estos compromisos acarrea y, finalmente, propongo un modo de resolver estos problemas.en-US
dc.descriptionThis paper is about political discourse and political argumentation. Its purpose is to offer an understanding of the function and the normativity of politi­cal discourse and argumentation and the appropriate criticism. In order to do that, I present Norman and Isabela Fairclough’s contributions (2013); I make explicit some of the theoretical commitments that their contributions imply; I point out two prob­lems that the acceptance of these commitments bring forth; and finally I suggest a way of solving these problemses-ES
dc.publisherCentre for the Study of Argumentation and Reasoning Faculty of Psychology, Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chileen-US
dc.sourceCogency; Vol 8 No 2: Summer 2016; 33-50en-US
dc.sourceCogency; Vol 8 No 2: Summer 2016; 33-50es-ES
dc.titleCrítica y normatividad del discurso políticoen-US
dc.titleCriticism and Normativity of Political Discoursees-ES
dc.typePeer-reviewed Articleen-US

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