Browsing Journal of Oral Research by Title
Now showing items 582-601 of 1038
Malocclusion impacts the quality of life of Peruvian school children. A cross-sectional study
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 9; 234-236. -
Malocclusion impacts the quality of life of Peruvian school children. A cross-sectional study.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 9; 234-236. -
Management of an internal root resorption on a permanent tooth. A case report.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 4; 275-281. -
Management of merged external/internal root resorption using CEM cement: a case report.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 7 No 8; 318-322. -
Management of phobic dental patients and conscious sedation with nitrous oxide in Chile.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 3; 101-102. -
Management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis in Yemeni children by metatarsal bone grafts
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 8; 216-221. -
Management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis in Yemeni children by metatarsal bone grafts.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 8; 216-221. -
Mandibular bone loss: a hidden side effect of botulinum toxin type A injection in masticatory muscles.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 7 No 2; 44-46. -
Mandibular bone loss: a hidden side effect of botulinum toxin type A injection in masticatory muscles.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 7 No. 2: February; 44-46. -
Mandibular condyle dimensions in Peruvian patients with Class II and Class III skeletal patterns
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 10; 264-266. -
Mandibular condyle dimensions in Peruvian patients with Class II and Class III skeletal patterns.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 10; 264-266. -
Manifestaciones sistémicas y orales del hipotiroidismo congénito en niños. Informe de caso.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 5; 329-334. -
March for Science
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 5; 110-111. -
March for Science.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 5; 110-111. -
Marginal filling and adhesive resistance of bulk fill resin applying 18% edta gel compared with 37% phosphoric acid gel in vitro dental conditioning
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 8 No. 3: May-June; 228-235. -
Marginal filling and adhesive resistance of bulk fill resin applying 18% edta gel compared with 37% phosphoric acid gel in vitro dental conditioning.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 8 No 3; 228-235. -
Masticatory function according to body mass index. Part I: kinematic analysis using different food textures.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): January - February; 1-12. -
May laser be a key for endodontics?
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 8 No 5; 348-349. -
May laser be a key for endodontics?
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 8 No. 5: September - October; 348-349. -
Measures to Overcome the Negative Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Dentists.
Journal of Oral Research; 2020: Covid-19 Special; 2-3.