Browsing Journal of Oral Research by Title
Now showing items 646-665 of 1038
Obtaining of the essential oil of Syzygium aromaticum, identification of eugenol and its effect on Streptococcus mutans.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 3 No 4; 218-224. -
Occlusal and cephalometric characteristics of anterior open bite in 5-10 year-old Colombian school children.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 6; 232-239. -
Odontogeriatría del Cono Sur
Journal of Oral Research; Congreso de Odontogeriatría del Cono Sur; 1-48. -
OdontoSeñas 2.0, towards an inclusive Dentistry
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 3; 59. -
OdontoSeñas 2.0, towards an inclusive Dentistry.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 3; 59. -
Odontólogos de la red pública: cobertura v/s número de profesionales.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 3 No 3; 137-138. -
On ethics and professional training.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 7 No 4; 118-119. -
On ethics and professional training.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 7 No. 4: April; 118-119. -
Open educational resources, a new approach to teaching
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 4; 84. -
Open educational resources, a new approach to teaching.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 4; 84. -
Oral Alterations in children with cancer. Literature review.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 3 No 4; 262-268. -
Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions in COVID 19 Infection from Mosul Hospital in Iraq: Epidemiological Study and Approach to Classification and Treatment
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 10 No. 6: November - December, 2021; 1-14. -
Oral and oropharyngeal cancers in Chile: Current scenario and challenges for public health.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 4; 142-143. -
Oral and systemic manifestations, and dental management of a pediatric patient with Tetralogy of Fallot. A case report.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 2; 87-91. -
Oral cancer prevention: the dentist’s attitude, the key factor.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 2; 84-85. -
Oral health and quality of life of the geriatric patient: contexts of autonomy
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-14. -
Oral health behaviors, dental injuries and mouthguard awareness among a sample of Portuguese athletes: a cross sectional study.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 8 No 3; 177-184. -
Oral health behaviors, dental injuries and mouthguard awareness among a sample of Portuguese athletes: a cross sectional study.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 8 No. 3: May-June; 177-184. -
Oral health behaviour perception scale applied among a sample of Portuguese adolescents.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): January-February; 1-9. -
Oral Health Impact Profile in elderly Chileans in southern Chile.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 6; 365-370.