Browsing Journal of Oral Research by Title
Now showing items 999-1018 of 1038
Ultimate tensile strength of total and self-etch adhesives: Effect of light irradiation distance.
Journal of Oral Research; J Oral Res. Special Issue,S1; 44-47. -
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A time to act.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 1; 5-6. -
Uncomfortable definitions related to recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 8 No 6; 448-449. -
Uncomfortable definitions related to recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 8 No. 6: November - December; 448-449. -
Underdiagnosis of enamel defects in Family Health Centres of Talca city, Chile.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 9 No. 3: May-June; 2020; 195-201. -
Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Manuscript Preparation and Submission: Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to a Biomedical Journal. Updated April 2010.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 2 No 2; 91-93. -
Universality and Compatibility of the Clinical Record of Patients in the Concepción Public Health Service. Are Rules Really Being Complied With?
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-3. -
Use of alternative/augmentative communication systems in Dentistry.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 5; 180-181. -
Use of cone beam computed tomography, a desktop 3D printer and freeware for manufacturing craniofacial bone prostheses: a pilot study.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 9 No 2 (2020); 116-120. -
Use of cone beam computed tomography, a desktop 3D printer and freeware for manufacturing craniofacial bone prostheses: a pilot study.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 9 No. 2: March-April; 2020; 116-120. -
Uso del chicle libre de azúcar como complemento en la prevención de la caries dental. Revisión narrativa.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 2; 129-136. -
Utility of the Backscattering Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Study of Peri-implantitis.
Journal of Oral Research; 2020: S1 Proceedings; 10-12. -
Utility of the Backscattering Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Study of Peri-implantitis.
Journal of Oral Research; S-1 Proceedings; 2020; 10-12. -
Utilización de terapias para manejar el estrés en estudiantes de odontología chilenos en etapa clínica.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 6; 399-403. -
Validation of the Oral Health Impact Profile in Spanish for Paraguayan adults (OHIP-14Py).
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 9 No. 4: July-August; 20200; 280-292. -
Validation of the Oral Hygiene Habits Scale: Relationships with sociodemographic variables in the general and clinical population of Monterrey, Mexico.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 5 No 8; 314-319. -
Validity of Pont’s analysis in a sample of Bangladeshi orthodontics patients
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 6 No. 2; 36-38. -
Validity of Pont’s analysis in a sample of Bangladeshi orthodontics patients.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 6 No 2; 36-38. -
Vertical bone augmentation with guided bone regeneration. A scoping review
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-28. -
Vertical root fracture associated with prolonged use of calcium hydroxide during apexificación. A case report.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol 4 No 2; 124-128.