Browsing Biological Research by Title
Now showing items 1009-1028 of 1043
Using genomics to improve fruit quality
Biological Research v.46 n.4 2013. -
Using mesenchymal stem cells as a therapy for bone regeneration and repairing
Biological Research v.48 2015. -
uvsZ1 mutation shows epistatic relations with uvsD153 and uvsJ1 mutations without any involvement with checkpoint control in Aspergillus nidulans
Biological Research v.35 n.3-4 2002. -
Variation in concentrations of major bioactive compounds in Prunella vulgaris L. related to plant parts and phenological stages
Biological Research v.45 n.2 2012. -
VEGFA polymorphisms and cardiovascular anomalies in 22q11 microdeletion syndrome: a case-control and family-based study
Biological Research v.42 n.4 2009. -
Biological Research v.34 n.2 2001. -
Ventricular Myosin Light Chain-2 Gene Expression in Developing Heart of Chicken Embryos
Biological Research v.34 n.1 2001. -
Vertical transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Province of Choapa, IV Region, Chile: Preliminary Report (2005-2008)
Biological Research v.43 n.3 2010. -
Vesicular transport of Fe and interaction with other metal ions in polarized Caco2 Cell monolayers
Biological Research v.39 n.1 2006. -
Biological Research v.34 n.3-4 2001. -
Vincristine induces somatic segregation, via mitotic crossing-over, in diploid cells of Aspergillus nidulans
Biological Research v.35 n.1 2002. -
Vitamin C and oxidative stress in the seminiferous epithelium
Biological Research v.44 n.2 2011. -
Volatile Organic Compounds Produced by Human Skin Cells
Biological Research v.40 n.3 2007. -
Voluntary modulations of attention in a semantic auditory-visual matching Task: an ERP study
Biological Research v.41 n.4 2008. -
Wavelet and Fourier analysis of ventricular and main arteries pulsations in anesthetized dogs
Biological Research v.37 n.3 2004. -
What we see is how we are: New paradigms in visual research
Biological Research v.40 n.4 2007. -
Wheel-running and rest activity pattern interaction in two octodontids (Octodon degus, Octodon bridgesi)
Biological Research v.38 n.2-3 2005. -
Wine grape pomace flour improves blood pressure, fasting glucose and protein damage in humans: a randomized controlled trial
Biological Research v.48 2015. -
Wnt signaling: A complex issue
Biological Research v.35 n.2 2002. -
Wnt-5a-regulated miR-101b controls COX2 expression in hippocampal neurons
Biological Research v.49 2016.