Browsing Biological Research by Title
Now showing items 855-874 of 1043
Biological Research v.40 suppl.A 2007. -
Simultaneous application of BrdU and WST-1 measurements for detection of the proliferation and viability of airway smooth muscle cells
Biological Research v.47 2014. -
Simultaneous presence of Paralytic and Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning toxins in Mytilus chilensis samples collected in the Chiloe Island, Austral Chilean Fjords
Biological Research v.37 n.4 suppl.A 2004. -
Simultaneous Single Unit Recording in the Mitral Cell Layer of the Rat Olfactory Bulb under Nasal and Tracheal Breathing
Biological Research v.38 n.1 2005. -
Single-channel recording of inositol trisphosphate receptor in the isolated nucleus of a muscle cell line
Biological Research v.39 n.3 2006. -
Sleep in brain development
Biological Research v.40 n.4 2007. -
Slow axoplasmic transport under scrutiny
Biological Research v.44 n.4 2011. -
Small-molecule aggregation inhibitors reduce excess amyloid in a trisomy 16 mouse cortical cell line
Biological Research v.41 n.2 2008. -
Sobre el deber académico
Biological Research v.36 n.3-4 2003. -
Biological Research v.37 n.4 suppl.A 2004. -
Social stimuli cause changes of plasma oxytocin and behavior in guinea pigs
Biological Research v.39 n.2 2006. -
Some considerations about the theory of intelligent design
Biological Research v.42 n.2 2009. -
Some ultrastructural observations of the vegetative, resting and excysting ciliate, urostyla grandis (urostylidae, hypotrichida)
Biological Research v.42 n.4 2009. -
Sonic Hedgehog in cancer stem cells: a novel link with autophagy
Biological Research v.45 n.3 2012. -
Sortin2 enhances endocytic trafficking towards the vacuole in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biological Research v.48 2015. -
Sox2 function as a negative regulator to control HAMP expression
Biological Research v.48 2015. -
Spatial Memory in Long Evans and Rattus Norvegicus rats
Biological Research v.36 n.2 2003.