Revista Chilena de Antropología: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 892
Challenges for a socio-anthropology of health: towards a theoretical and methodological approach regarding training, research, and action
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 96-112. -
“I suggest that you wait”: bureaucracy and health in Latin American asylum seekers and refugees in Chile
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 113-130. -
“Flower Power”. Bach Flower therapy as political practice in healthcare
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 167-186. -
Medical charity as a symbolic efficacy. An ethnography of ‘gota de leche’ in Santiago, Chile
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 187-202. -
The allostatic response to the environment. The social environment as a regulatory factor in human physiology and health
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 147-166. -
Mad Pride in Chile: identity politics, symbolic struggles, and collective action in mental health
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 131-146. -
Reburial of human bodies in the salitrero Lagunas cemetery (Tarapaca Region, Northern Chile). An ethical proposal in the context of environmental impact
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 19-58. -
Indigenous voices about “tierra adentro”: an approach to colonial frontier territorialities in the Pampean-North Patagonian area
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 44 (2021): Segundo Semestre; 304-321. -
Experiences of women in archaeology and the University of Chile (1960-1980): lessons and present challenges
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 1-18. -
Ritual aesthetics. New information about the use of the black ccahua or unku of El Niño from Cerro El Plomo
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 44 (2021): Segundo Semestre; 269-284. -
Captures between archives: marginalization of records with parochial book research
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 44 (2021): Segundo Semestre; 338-353. -
Chinese business associationism in Chile. Territory, leaderships, and social actors
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 44 (2021): Segundo Semestre; 322-337. -
Funeral practices and rituality in Quebrada de Los Corrales, Tucumán-Argentina (3.800-3.500 b.p.)
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 290-318. -
No return. Broken subjects/objects
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 260-289. -
Moving stones: study on rock engravings in the villages of Cachi and La Poma (Salta, Argentina)
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 343-370. -
Between substances and fragments: the construction of the body and the person in the Northwest Argentina
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 319-342. -
Pampa Iluga and “chacras” of the ancestors (Tarapacá, northern Chile): tensions between materialities and ontologies in archaeology
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 371-398. -
Socio-spatial conception in the Bolivian highlands: the cases of Tiahuanaco and Jesus de Machaca (La Paz, Bolivia)
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 44 (2021): Segundo Semestre; 247-268. -
Memories of water in Camiña (Tarapaca, Northern Chile): Andeanities, ancestral defenses, and rethorics of coloniality
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 43 (2021): Primer Semestre; 59-79. -
At the sun’s rhythm, under the ancestors’s guardianship. Ritual performance in la Peña del Medio during the late-inca, Paicuqui (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca Province)
Revista Chilena de Antropología; Núm. 42 (2020): Segundo Semestre; 190-217.