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dc.creatorToledo T,Roger
dc.creatorEngler P,Alejandra
dc.descriptionDecisions are strongly influenced by risk and risk preferences of decision makers; however, in Chile there are few studies in the agricultural sector focused on this topic. The present paper analyzes the risk preferences of small producers of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) and the production function associated with their production system in the Bio-Bio Region of Chile. Under a mean-variance approach, the estimation procedure uses a flexible utility function to incorporate a variety of risk preference alternatives. Three different estimation procedures were used: Least Squares Estimation, Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Full Information Maximum Likelihood, which revealed the same conclusions. Results showed that small farmers are risk averse (&#947; = 0.104) and present increasing relative and absolute aversion to risk (&#952; = 0.099 < 1 and &#952; < &#947;, respectively). The hypotheses of risk neutrality (&#947; = 0) and constant absolute risk aversion (&#952; = 1) were rejected with 94% and 99% confidence, respectively. The chosen function of production is the Cobb Douglas type, because it presents a better adjustment, and the relevant factors are fertilizer quantity per hectare, the experience of the producer and the planted area. This function presents decreasing returns to scale, then &#946;2 + &#946;3 + &#946;4 is equal to 0.18. The hypothesis of constant returns to scale is rejected with 99% confidence.
dc.publisherInstituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
dc.sourceChilean journal of agricultural research v.68 n.2 2008
dc.subjectrisk aversion
dc.subjectmean-variance utility function
dc.subjectproduction function
dc.titleRisk Preferences Estimation for Small Raspberry Producers in the Bío-Bío Region, Chile

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