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dc.creatorMaciel,Michel V
dc.creatorCarvalho,Francisco F.R
dc.creatorBatista,Ângela M.V
dc.creatorSouza,Evaristo J.O.
dc.creatorMaciel,Laura P.A.A.
dc.creatorPereira Neto,José D
dc.creatorLima Junior,Dorgival M
dc.descriptionSheep production systems installed in the semi-arid region of Brazil depend on the forage support the &rsquo;caatinga&rsquo; biome. This study aimed at evaluating the substitution of hybrid &rsquo;Tifton 85&rsquo; (Cynodon spp.) by cassava (Manihotpseudoglaziovii Pax &amp; K. Hoffm.) hay or silage on the components of sheep&rsquo;s&rsquo; body weight. Twenty-four animals, with no defined breed, were used for the study, with an initial body weight of 19.77 ± 1.95 kg and an average age of 6-mo, being divided into three treatments (&rsquo;Tifton 85&rsquo; hay, cassava silage, and cassava hay). The animals were slaughtered at 56 d and all the body parts of the animals were weighed. Data were subjected to ANOVA and mean comparison test (P = 0.05). Means were superior (P < 0.05) for DM intake and contents of the gastrointestinal tract (CGT) with values of 1.17 kg d-1 and 4.84 kg for cassava hay, respectively. There was no significant difference (P &gt; 0.05) for body weight at slaughter and cold carcass weight, which had means of 28.10 and 12.38 kg, respectively. The hot carcass and leg yields showed values of 58% and 34%, respectively, and were not influenced (P &gt; 0.05) by different forages. The constituents that were not components of the carcass, organs, offal, and by-products were not affected by the replacement of &rsquo;Tifton 85&rsquo; hay by cassava hay or silage. Cassava hay or silage can replace &rsquo;Tifton 85&rsquo; hay for feeding sheep in complete diets without compromising their body components&rsquo; yields and weights.
dc.publisherInstituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
dc.sourceChilean journal of agricultural research v.75 n.3 2015
dc.subjectcommercial cuts
dc.subjectforage conservation
dc.subjectnon-carcass body components
dc.titleCarcass and non-carcass characteristics of sheep fed on cassava (Manihot pseudoglaziovii Pax &amp; K. Hoffm.)

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