Sodium azide mutagenesis resulted in a peanut plant with elevated oleate content
Wang,Chuan Tang
Tang,Yue Yi
Wang,Xiu Zhen
Zhang,Shu Wei
Li,Gui Jie
Zhang,Jian Cheng
Yu,Shan Lin
Screening of peanut seeds resulting from 0.39% sodium azide treatment with NIRS calibration equation for bulk seed samples identified a plant with more than 60% oleate. Oleate content in individual seeds of the plant, as predicted by NIRS calibration equation for intact single peanut seeds, ranged from 50.05% ~ 68.69%. Three seeds with >60% oleate thus identified were further confirmed by gas chromatography. Multiple sequence alignments of the FAD2B gene from Huayu 22 (wild type) and peanut seeds with elevated oleate (mutant type) revealed a C281T transition in the coding region causing an I94T substitution in the oleoyl-PC desaturase, which may be responsible for reduction in the enzyme activity.