Preliminary analysis of the feeding habits of batoids from the genera Mobula and Myliobatis in Northern Peru
Coasaca-Céspedes, Javier Jesús
Segura-Cobeña, Eduardo
Montero-Taboada, Rebeca
Gonzalez-Pestana, Adriana
Alfaro-Córdova, Eliana
Alfaro-Shigueto, Joanna
Mangel, Jeffrey C.
Abstract.- This study provides baseline information on the feeding habits of five batoid species from the genera Mobula and Myliobatis sampled from the small-scale driftnet fishery in northern Peru. The diets of Mobula mobular, Mobula munkiana and Mobula thurstoni consisted mainly of euphausiids. Dietary niche breadth indicated a pelagic feeding behaviour of a specialist and a trophic level of a secondary predator for both M. mobular and M. munkiana. In contrast, Myliobatis chilensis and Myliobatis peruvianus consumed mostly gastropods and crustaceans. Dietary niche breadth indicated a feeding behaviour of a benthic specialist and a trophic level of a secondary predator for Myliobatis chilensis.