Browsing Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 250
Online Sport Event Consumers: Attitude, E-Quality and E- Satisfaction
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.12 n.2 2017. -
Designing Two-dimensional Electronic Business-to-Consumer Models’ Map by Fuzzy Delphi Panel
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.12 n.2 2017. -
A Quantitative Analysis on E-Books Sampling Optimization
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.12 n.1 2017. -
Editorial: What Can We Expect from Data Scientists
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.12 n.1 2017. -
A Social Commerce Intention Model for Traditional E-Commerce Sites
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.13 n.2 2018. -
The New Face of Internet User Typology: The Case of Thailand
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.13 n.2 2018. -
Views on Open Data Business from Software Development Companies
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.13 n.1 2018. -
Subjectivity of Diamond Prices in Online Retail: Insights from a Data Mining Study
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.13 n.2 2018. -
Social Applications: Revenue Models, Delivery Channels, and Critical Success Factors - An Exploratory Study and Evidence from the Spanish-Speaking Market
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.2 2011. -
A Comparison of Inter-Organizational Business Models of Mobile App Stores: There is more than Open vs. Closed
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.2 2011. -
E-business for Nations: A Study of National Level Ebusiness Adoption Factors Using Country Characteristics-Business-Technology-Government Framework
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.3 2011. -
Towards Checking Laws’ Consistency through Ontology Design: The Case of Brazilian Vehicles’ Laws
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.1 2011. -
The Use of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) in Evaluating Japan’s E-government Services
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.2 2011. -
Interoperability Challenges for ICT-enabled Governance: Towards a pan-European Conceptual Framework
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.1 2011. -
A Co-Evolution Model of Competitive Mobile Platforms: Technoeconomic Perspective
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.2 2011. -
Guest Editors’ Introduction: E-government Interoperability, Infrastructure and Architecture: State-of-the-art and Challenges
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.1 2011. -
Editorial: After Five Years
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.6 n.2 2011. -
Determinants of Use of Social Media Tools in Retailing Sector
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.9 n.1 2014. -
The Logic of Electronic Hybrids: A Conceptual Analysis of the Influence of Cloud Computing on Electronic Commerce
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.8 n.3 2013. -
Incentives to Apply Green Cloud Computing
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research v.8 n.3 2013.