Methods and uses of learning assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Experiences with university professors
Métodos y usos de la evaluación de los aprendizajes durante la pandemia por covid-19: Experiencias con profesores universitarios;
Métodos e usos da avaliação da aprendizagem durante a pandemia de Covid-19: Experiências com professores universitários
Ortiz Franco, Juan Vicente
Hernández Riaño, Yesid Manuel
Full text
This research focuses its interest on methods and uses of the learning evaluation results by 205 professors of Law, Engineering and Education, linked to three universities in Bogotá, Colombia, in times of crisis generated by the Covid 19 virus. The research question was: what are the characteristics of the learning assessment practicescarried out by professors from three universities in Colombia, in terms of methods, use of results, and changes caused during the pandemic? The object of study is part of the qualitative approach, descriptive process based on data collection and analysis, through the application of an instrument validated through expert judgment. The results show the incidence of teachers’ practices and learning from fellow teachers in the similar use of oral, written, closed-ended tests, class participation and attendance, and individual written work in the three programs where teachers work. Essays, group oral exams,fieldwork; and visit reports, focus for training and learning, are of lesser use. During the pandemic, evaluation continues to be assumed as a qualification and the use of technological resources for its development is privileged. Esta investigación centra su interés en métodos y usos de los resultados de evaluación de aprendizajes de 205 profesores de derecho, ingeniería y educación, vinculados con tres universidades de Bogotá, Colombia, durante la crisis sanitaria relacionada al virus covid-19. La pregunta de investigación es: ¿cuáles son las características de las prácticas de evaluación de aprendizajes que utilizan profesores de tres universidades de Colombia en cuanto a métodos, usos de resultados y cambios originados durante la pandemia? El objeto de estudio se inscribe dentro del enfoque cualitativo, de proceso descriptivo, basado en recolección y análisis de datos mediante la aplicación de un instrumento convalidado a través del juicio de expertos. Los resultados evidencian la incidencia de las prácticas y los aprendizajes de profesores en el uso similar de pruebas orales, escritas, de respuesta cerrada, la participación y asistencia a clases, y los trabajos escritos individuales en los tres programas donde los docentes se desempeñan. Los ensayos, exámenes orales grupales, trabajos de campo e informes de visita, de enfoque para la formación y el aprendizaje, son de menor uso; durante la pandemia, se ha asumido la evaluación como calificación y se privilegia el uso de recursos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de este enfoque. This research focuses its interest on methods and uses of the learning evaluation results by 205 professors of Law, Engineering and Education, linked to three universities in Bogotá, Colombia, in times of crisis generated by the Covid 19 virus. The research question was: what are the characteristics of the learning assessment practicescarried out by professors from three universities in Colombia, in terms of methods, useof results, and changes caused during the pandemic? The object of study is part of the qualitative approach, descriptive process based on data collection and analysis, through the application of an instrument validated through expert judgment. The results show the incidence of teachers’ practices and learning from fellow teachers in the similar use of oral, written, closed-ended tests, class participation and attendance, and individualwritten work in the three programs where teachers work. Essays, group oral exams, fieldwork; and visit reports, focus for training and learning, are of lesser use. During thepandemic, evaluation continues to be assumed as a qualification and the use of technological resources for its development is privileged.