Ecomotricity, learning to constitute relacional consciencie
Ecomotricidad, aprendiendo a constituir conciencia relacional
Toro-Arévalo, Sergio
Luhrs-Middleton, Otto
Rosales-Ojeda, Jaime
Moreno-Doña, Alberto
Peña-Troncoso, Sebastián
Full text
In order to overcoming the original ontological and epistemic fragmentation present in current “Physical” Education that allows us a radical turn whose horizon is to respond and anticipate educational actions at the level of systemic challenges, both human and planetary. Such an effort compromises a critical and decolonial sense of the discipline, starting from an ontological, epistemic and ethical positioning focused on the relational and configurative. From this vision, Ecomotricity is an opportunity and possibility to put at the core of educational action both the relationship of continuity between the biological and the cultural, between nature and language, allowing for the commitment of a disciplinary action that is ethically freely committed and responsible to the human, the non-human and the planetary. That is why we invite you to propose a conscious action in current times from militancy located in the territories, in this case, the symbolic and habitable territories based on systemic health. The present work focuses on describing these fields of action, their articulation and experiences in order to build decolonial educational actions focused on everyday life and situated dynamic processes. Finally, we hope that this contribution serves to contribute to reflections and foundations of the discipline, to overcome ontological dualisms, as well as develop proposals that enhance to personal-community and planetary good living. La gran fragmentación que existe en la actual Educación “Física” nos permite mirar con un sentido crítico la disciplina desde una perspectiva epistémica, ontológica y ética. Desde esta visión, la Ecomotricidad puede ser una oportunidad importante de generar una interconexión entre lo biológico y lo cultural, entre la naturaleza y el lenguaje, permitiendo romper con la mirada hegemónica de la disciplina, la cual ha estado centrada principalmente en aspectos biomédicos. Es por ello, que hacemos una invitación a reflexionar la naturaleza de lo que actualmente denominamos Educación Física, para pensarla y desarrollarla desde una mirada sistémica, en donde se permita reconocer el aprendizaje a través de las diferentes relaciones que se generan en el con-vivir del actuar humano. Finalmente, esperamos que esta contribución sirva para aportar a reflexiones y fundamentos de la disciplina, para lograr superar los dualismos ontológicos que mantiene tanto en su lenguaje como en su despliegue profesional.