Algunas criticas a la idea de razon publica rawlsiana
Some of the criticisms to rawls’ idea of public reason
Luis Villavicencio; Universidad de Valparaíso
Este artículo analiza algunas críticas hechas a la idea de razón pública defendida por Rawls. Luego de explicar en la introducción la concepción rawlsiana de razón pública, se examinan críticamente las objeciones que, desde el comunitarismo, ha realizado Sandel y, desde el liberalismo, ha planteado Dworkin. Para terminar, se revisa la pertinencia y potencia de tales reproches. This article analyzes some critical observations of the idea of public reason as sustained by Rawls. After explaining Rawl's conception of public reason in the introduction, it is critically examined the objections from the standpoint of Sandel's communitarian and from the liberal perspective of Dworkin. Finally, it is revised the pertinence and relevancy of this rebuttals.