The Resumption of Work in the New Proceeding of Collective Bargaining
Pedro Pablo Irureta Uriarte; Universidad Alberto Hurtado
The resumption of work is a figure that has long been recognized by the Chilean labor legislation. In the past, it allowed the Executive branch to put an end to certain collective disputes, ensuring the continuity of certain companies that were on strike. However, in recent decades this institution was not used and ended mostly relegated to a secondary place (both in the Labor Code and in the State Security Law). The Labor Reform promoted by Law No. 20.940 (2016) has redefined the core of this institution, building a procedural action that assures the right of unions and employers to request on court the use of this tool as a legitimate way to end a strike. However, in recent decades this institution was not used and ended mostly relegated to a secondary place (both in the Labor Code and in the State Security Law). The Labor Reform promoted by Law No. 20.940 (2016) has redefined the core of this institution, building a procedural action that assures the right of unions and employers to request on court the use of this tool as a legitimate way to end a strike. RESUMEN: La reanudación de faenas es una figura que, desde antiguo, ha sido recogida por la legislación laboral chilena. En el pasado, permitió que el Poder Ejecutivo la utilizara para poner término a determinados conflictos colectivos, asegurando la continuidad de ciertas empresas que se encontraban en huelga. No obstante, durante las últimas décadas esta institución no fue mayormente utilizada y terminó relegada a un evidente segundo plano (tanto en el Código del Trabajo como en la Ley de Seguridad del Estado). La reforma laboral impulsada por la Ley N° 20.940 (de 2016) ha redefinido el núcleo de esta figura, construyendo una acción procesal que le asegura a los titulares de la misma el derecho de solicitar -en sede judicial- el uso de esta herramienta como una manera lícita de poner término a un proceso de huelga.