Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 131
Water flow and conductivity into capillary and non-capillary pores of soils
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Use of nonlinear regression and nonlinear mathematical programming in the formulation of substrate mixtures for soil-less culture - a review -
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Efficacy of natural aluminosilicates in moderating drought effects on the morphological and physiological parameters of maize plants (Zea mays L.)
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Effect of a compost mulch on seed germination and plant growth in a burnt forest soil from NW Spain
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Programmed fertigation effects on the growth and production of young cherry trees in central Chile
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
How the nitrogen fertilization dose affects the biochemical composition and net mineralization of the artichoke residues
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Effect of cerium on growth, dry matter production, biochemical constituents and enzymatic activities of cowpea plants [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
The response of date palm to calcareous soil fertilisation
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Influence of compost and liquid bioferment on the chemical and biological characteristics of soil cultivated with banana (Musa spp. L.)
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Competitive sorption of molybdate and phosphate in Andisols
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.1 2012. -
Effects of topsoil loss on wheat productivity in dryland zones of Chile
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Comparative effects of organic and conventional apple orchard management on soil chemical properties and plant mineral content under Mediterranean climate conditions
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Tolerance to iron chlorosis in non-grafted quince seedlings and in pear grafted onto quince plants
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Nutrient uptake by grape in a Brazilian soil affected by rock biofertilizer
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Screening, evaluation and selection ofphosphate-solubilising fungi as potential biofertiliser
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Soil properties and grape yield affected by rock biofertilisers with earthworm compound
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Organic matter distribution in aggregate sizes of a mollisol under contrasting management
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Calcium sulfate ameliorates the effect of aluminum toxicity differentially in genotypes of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
Effects of grazing on the soil properties and C and N storage in relation to biomass allocation in an alpine meadow
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.4 2011. -
The effects of CaCO3 on adsorption, immobilization and activity of cellulase in a decarbonated soil
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.11 n.3 2011.