Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 131
Effect of soil water-to-air ratio on biomass and mineral nutrition of avocado trees
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Carbon stock and mineral factors controlling soil organic carbon in a climatic gradient, Golestan province
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.4 2012. -
Extraction of heavy metals from compost using a mixture of Na2EDTA and Na2S2O5: column studies
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Soil quality of first rotation Eucalyptus stands growing on an Andisol using soil microbial indicators
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Effect of NP and foliar spray on growth and chemical compositions of some medicinal Apiaceae plants grow in arid regions in Egypt
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Management of soil phosphorus and plant adaptation mechanisms to phosphorus stress for sustainable crop production: a review
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Nitrogen dynamics in a feedlot soil
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Response of soil properties to yak grazing intensity in a Kobresia parva-meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Effect of green and farmyard manure on carbohydrates dynamics of salt-affected soil
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Determination of mineral contents of Digitalis purpurea L. and Digitalis lanata Ehrh
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Effects of zinc and manganese as foliar spray on pomegranate yield, fruit quality and leaf minerals
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Anatomical characteristics and nutrient uptake and distribution associated with the Cd-phytoremediation capacity of Eucalyptus camaldulenses Dehnh
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Impact of different levels of superphosphate using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Pseudomonasfluorescens on Chrysanthemum indicum L
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Early arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization of wheat, barley and oats in Andosols of southern Chile
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Effects of the application of biosolids on some chemical, biological and physical properties in an Andisol from southern Chile
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Response of soil respiration under different mycorrhizal strategies to precipitation and temperature
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Effect of vermicompost and its mixtures with water treatment residuals on soil chemical properties and barley growth
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Nitrogen use efficiency of bread wheat: Effects of nitrogen rate and time of application
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Growth and nutrient uptake by Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Méyer) Sójak in a constructed wetland fed with swine slurry
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012. -
Growth, yield and antioxidant profile of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) leafy vegetable as affected by NPK compound fertilizer
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition v.12 n.3 2012.