Browsing Biological Research by Title
Now showing items 447-466 of 1043
Genital Sensory Stimulation Shifts Estradiol Intraoviductal Signaling from Nongenomic to Genomic Pathways, Independently from Prolactin Surges
Biological Research v.40 n.2 2007. -
Genomic Approaches in Marine Biodiversity and Aquaculture
Biological Research v.46 n.4 2013. -
Genomic imprinting and human chromosome 15
Biological Research v.34 n.2 2001. -
Genomic organization of nucleolin gene in carp fish: Evidence for several genes
Biological Research v.39 n.2 2006. -
Genomic organization of the rDNA cistron of the teleost fish Cyprinus carpio
Biological Research v.36 n.2 2003. -
Genomic organization of the structural genes controlling the astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway of Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous
Biological Research v.41 n.1 2008. -
Geobacillus stearothermophilus LV cadA gene mediates resistance to cadmium, lead and zinc in zntA mutants of Salmonella entérica serovar Typhimurium
Biological Research v.39 n.4 2006. -
Gluconate as suitable potential reduction supplier in Corynebacterium glutamicum: Cloning and expression of gntP and gntK in Escherichia coli
Biological Research v.41 n.3 2008. -
Glucose transporters: expression, regulation and cancer
Biological Research v.35 n.1 2002. -
Grape seed extract proanthocyanidins downregulate HIV- 1 entry coreceptors, CCR2b, CCR3 and CCR5 gene expression by normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Biological Research v.35 n.3-4 2002. -
Growth hormone in the presence of laminin modulates interaction of human thymic epithelial cells and thymocytes in vitro
Biological Research v.49 2016. -
Growth of in vitro Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum in chemically defined media amended with gallic acid
Biological Research v.42 n.3 2009. -
Growth, delayed fluorescence and pigment composition of four Prorocentrum minimum strains growing at two salinities
Biological Research v.41 n.1 2008. -
Habituation of the eyeblink response in humans with stimuli presented in a sequence of incremental intensity
Biological Research v.44 n.3 2011. -
Heavy Metal Resistance Strategies of Acidophilic Bacteria and Their Acquisition: Importance for Biomining and Bioremediation
Biological Research v.46 n.4 2013. -
Hematopoietic potential of mouse placenta with the application of placenta flushing
Biological Research v.41 n.3 2008. -
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: clinical use and perspectives
Biological Research v.45 n.3 2012. -
Heme oxygenase 1 overexpression increases iron fluxes in Caco-2 cells
Biological Research v.39 n.1 2006. -
Hemoglobin affinity for oxygen in three subspecies of toads (Bufo sp.) living at different altitudes
Biological Research v.33 n.1 2000.