Browsing Biological Research by Title
Now showing items 632-651 of 1043
Microglia astrocyte interaction in Alzheimer's disease: friends or foes for the nervous system?
Biological Research v.34 n.2 2001. -
MicroRNA-1247 inhibits cell proliferation by directly targeting ZNF346 in childhood neuroblastoma
Biological Research v.51 2018. -
MicroRNA-98 inhibits the cell proliferation of human hypertrophic scar fibroblasts via targeting Col1A1
Biological Research v.50 2017. -
miR-205 promotes proliferation and invasion of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma by suppressing CDK2AP1 expression
Biological Research v.48 2015. -
miR-214 ameliorates acute kidney injury via targeting DKK3 and activating of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
Biological Research v.51 2018. -
miR-22 suppresses tumorigenesis and improves radiosensitivity of breast cancer cells by targeting Sirt1
Biological Research v.50 2017. -
MiR-320 inhibits the growth of glioma cells through downregulating PBX3
Biological Research v.50 2017. -
Misclassification probability as obese or lean in hypercaloric and normocaloric diet
Biological Research v.41 n.3 2008. -
Misconceptions and false expectations in neutral evolution
Biological Research v.33 n.3-4 2000. -
Mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in health and disease
Biological Research v.37 n.4 2004. -
Mitochondrial Function and Nitric Oxide Utilization
Biological Research v.33 n.2 2000. -
MnSOD and GPx1 polymorphism relationship with coronary heart disease risk and severity
Biological Research v.49 2016. -
Model of chromosome associations in Mus domesticus spermatocytes
Biological Research v.43 n.3 2010. -
Moderation in Australia-Policy and Achievements
Biological Research v.37 n.2 2004. -
Modification of fatty acid composition in broiler chickens fed canola oil
Biological Research v.45 n.2 2012. -
Modulation by caffeine of calcium-release microdomains in frog skeletal muscle fibers
Biological Research v.39 n.3 2006.