Browsing Biological Research by Title
Now showing items 772-791 of 1043
Propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism delays apoptosis during the first wave of spermatogenesis
Biological Research v.44 n.2 2011. -
Protease activity involvement in the passage of mammalian sperm through the zona pellucida
Biological Research v.44 n.2 2011. -
Protective effect of bixin on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
Biological Research v.47 2014. -
Protective effect of Cassia fistula Linn. on diethylnitrosamine induced hepatocellular damage and oxidative stress in ethanol pretreated rats
Biological Research v.43 n.1 2010. -
Protective effect of silk lutein on ultraviolet B-irradiated human keratinocytes
Biological Research v.46 n.1 2013. -
Protective effects of lycopene on oxidative stress, proliferation and autophagy in iron supplementation rats
Biological Research v.46 n.2 2013. -
Protective role of vitamins C and E in diclorvos-induced oxidative stress in human erythrocytes in vitro
Biological Research v.46 n.1 2013. -
Protective roles of autophagy in retinal pigment epithelium under high glucose condition via regulating PINK1/Parkin pathway and BNIP3L
Biological Research v.51 2018. -
Protective roles of free avian respiratory macrophages in captive birds
Biological Research v.49 2016. -
Protein kinase C isoform specificity of cholinergic potentiation of glucose-induced pulsatile 5-HT/ insulin release from mouse pancreatic islets
Biological Research v.39 n.3 2006. -
Protein microarray for complex apoptosis monitoring of dysplastic oral keratinocytes in experimental photodynamic therapy
Biological Research v.47 2014. -
Protein synthesis in eukaryotes: The growing biological relevance of cap-independent translation initiation
Biological Research v.38 n.2-3 2005. -
Proteomic analysis of the regenerating liver following 2/3 partial hepatectomy in rats
Biological Research v.47 2014. -
Proteomic Investigation of Changes in Rat Skeletal Muscle after Exercise-Induced Fatigue
Biological Research v.45 n.1 2012. -
Proton NMR characterization of intact primary and metastatic melanoma cells in 2D & 3D cultures
Biological Research v.50 2017. -
Quantification of Japanese Quail Eggshell Colour by Image Analysis
Biological Research v.42 n.1 2009. -
Quantitation of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins in Chilean Mussel using pyrenyldiazomethane as fluorescent labeling reagent
Biological Research v.36 n.2 2003. -
Quantitative analysis of nucleolar chromatin distribution in the complex convoluted nucleoli of Didinium nasutum (Ciliophora)
Biological Research v.46 n.1 2013. -
Quantitative genetic variation of metabolism in the nymphs of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus, inferred from an analysis of inbred-lines
Biological Research v.40 n.1 2007.