Browsing Universidad de Santiago de Chile by Author "Tapia Segovia, Mauricio Antonio"
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Dossier: Intellectuals and magazines on the Chilean and Argentine left: debates around the processes of political radicalization, authoritarianism and democratic transitions (1960-1990)
Lamaisón, María Josefina; Tapia Segovia, Mauricio Antonio. Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); I-V -
The Portal Journal: its Contribution to the Conformation of the Chilean Cultural Field and the Debate around "the Latin American” 1965-1969
Tapia Segovia, Mauricio Antonio. Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives