Browsing Historia by Title
Now showing items 1368-1387 of 1486
The Delicate Balance. A Consideration of Some of the Forces and Circumstances that should be Reckoned with today in a Discussion of "the Place of Native Peoples in the Western World"
Revista Historia; Núm. 21 (1986); 379-401. -
The discourse of the Uruguayan National Party during the 1925 and 1926 elections
History; 2022 N° 55, vol. I; 231-257. -
The Economic Activities of a Global Merchant-Banker in Chile: Huth & Co. of London, 1820s-1850s
Revista Historia; Núm. 45-II (2012); 399-432. -
The Economic Activities of a Global Merchant-Banker in Chile: Huth & Co. of London, 1820s-1850s
Historia; 2012 N° 45, vol. II ; 399-432. -
The End of “the” Chilean History in the Nineteenth-Century
Revista Historia; Núm. 48-I (2015); 301-331. -
The End of “the” Chilean History in the Nineteenth-Century
Historia; 2015 N° 48, Vol. I; 301-331. -
The history of medicine, Henry E. Sigerist and the medical intermediaries in Perú during the middle of the twentieth century
History; 2022 N° 55, vol. I; 329-350. -
The Left in Latin America since 1930: A Bibliographical Essay
Revista Historia; Núm. 26 (1992); 61-70. -
The Left in Latin America since 1930: A Bibliographical Essay
History; ; 61-70. -
The Making of an Unlikely Chilean Fascist: Reflections on the Intellectual Development and Political Work of Carlos Keller Rueff
Revista Historia; Núm. 35 (2002); 187-209. -
The musical occupation of an irregular city and the “troubadours of the land” in colonial Asunción (Paraguay, sixteenth-seventeenth centuries)
History; 2020: Nª53, Vol. II; 407-435. -
“These rotos sir, are asking for guarantees”. Social movements, repression, and worker death in Atacama. Taltal, 1900-1910
History; 2020: Nª53, Vol. II; 437-476. -
To construct, sell and protect? The exploitation of the deciduous forest in the old department of Imperial (Araucanía region), 1867-1920
History; 2020: Nª53, Vol. II; 477-519. -
Trabajadores, jornales, carestía y crisis política en Cartagena de Indias, 1750-1810
Revista Historia; Núm. 51-II (2018); 549-588. -
Trabajadores, jornales, carestía y crisis política en Cartagena de Indias, 1750-1810
History; 2018: Nª 51, Vol.II; 549-588. -
Trabajo infantil en la minería: apuntes históricos
Revista Historia; Núm. 32 (1999); 367-441. -
Trabajo infantil en la minería: apuntes históricos
History; Vol.I; 367-441.