Gene expression of digestive enzymes during the initial ontogeny of Mexican snook Centropomus poeyi
Asencio-Alcudia,Gloria Gertrudys
Contreras-Sánchez,Wilfrido Miguel
Alvarez-González,Carlos Alfonso
ABSTRACT: Mexican snook (Centropomus poeyi) is one of the most important commercial species in Southeast Mexico, which has been overexploited by fisheries. For this reason, some recent studies related to its culture have been done. However, the basic biological knowledge of the digestive physiology is still unknown. In this study, the gene expression of trypsin, (TRY), bile-salt dependent lipase (BAL), amylase (AMY), and cytosolic non-specific dipeptidase (CNP) was investigated during the larval period from embryo (0 days after hatching, DAH), eleuteroembryo (1 DAH) until 25 DAH using RTq-PCR approach and was normalized with the elongation factor 1-( gene (EF1-α). TRY gene expression showed the maximum peak at 17 DAH; meanwhile, BAL gene expression showed variations during larviculture, however, three peaks were observed at 10, 17 and 25 DAH, which appears to correspond to changes in live food supply (rotifers and Artemia nauplii). AMY gene expression was low detected from hatching onwards and showed a slight peak at 10 DAH when larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii. Finally, CNP gene expression had presented three peaks at 2 DAH (yolk-sac absorption), 19 and 23 DAH when larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii. We conclude that C. poeyi larvae showed early and high digestive enzyme expressions, especially TRY, which indicate that could be possible to start the weaning process at 25 DAH, which could be shorter compared than other Centropomid species.