Revista Stultifera: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 183
Technique, Memory and Misery. Review in memoriam of Stiegler, B. (2013). De la misère symbolique. Paris: Flammarion. ISBN: 978-2-08- 127082-4
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 3 Núm. 2 (2020); 228-233. -
The Keplerian mystery: three cosmic-subjective movements
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2020); 72-104. -
But who pilots the ship of fools?
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 3 Núm. 2 (2020); 7-14. -
The contribution of psychology in critical social theory: Axel Honneth and Emmanuel Renault
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021); 39-64. -
Asymmetrical contexts of power, experiences of injustice, and social suffering
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021); 15-38. -
A French Critical Theory? The French reception of contemporary theories of recognition
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021); 7-11. -
Los partidos frente a la cuestión agraria en Chile, 1946-1973: Representación de intereses, gradualismo y transformación estructural. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones LOM, 363 pp. ISBN: 978-956- 00-0930-2
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018); 167-174. -
El tonto y los canallas. Notas para un republicanismo transmoderno
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019); 135-139. -
Memoria Visual de Legua Emergencia, vida y oficio de Mario Alarcón
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018); 113-118. -
Without Agonism There Is no Paradise. Populism and Polarization in the Chilean Constituent Process
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 217-240. -
Cognitive Commons and Knowledge Management in Open Science Projects
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023); 287-316. -
Massive and Anti-elitist: the Chilean Social Outbreak as a Populist Moment
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 241-264. -
La grande confusion. Comment l’extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 267-278. -
Polarization, Democracy and Populism(s): Proposals for Analysis
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 7-25. -
El exceso de la democracia
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 279-294. -
Populismo. Historia y geografía de un concepto
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 295-303. -
From Populism as a Threat to the Populist Threat, Chronicles of an Announced Destiny. Necessary Dialogues between Political Theory and Socio-History
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 125-153. -
Populismo versus parlamentarismo: Hacia formas no antagónicas de política democrática
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 59-79. -
The Populist Democratic Reason. Angatonism, Heterogeneity and Postliberal Populism
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 29-57. -
Populism and Political Polarization in the Andean Region. Between the Leaders and the Populist Demand
Revista Stultifera; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022); 155-185.