Journal of Oral Research: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 1038
Alcohol consumption and maxillofacial fractures in times of COVID-19: a cross-sectional study in a Cuban university hospital.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 6 (2022): November - December; 1-13. -
Comparison of the effectiveness and safety between autologous bone grafts and xenografts for the treatment of alveolar bone defects: Overview of systematic reviews using FRISBEE methodology
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 6 (2022): November - December; 1-9. -
Dentistry, new perspectives due to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Literature Review.
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-4. -
Toothbrushing habits in people with and without autism spectrum disorder: A Review.
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-5. -
Selection of tooth colour using spectrophotometry and a visual method. A Literature Review.
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-4. -
Frequent oral manifestations in people with Down Syndrome. A literature review.
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-6. -
Periodontitis as a triggering factor for chronic systemic diseases. A Literature Review
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-4. -
Vertical bone augmentation with guided bone regeneration. A scoping review
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-28. -
Universality and Compatibility of the Clinical Record of Patients in the Concepción Public Health Service. Are Rules Really Being Complied With?
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-3. -
Study protocol to assess sleep quality and quantity of dental students belonging to the University of Concepcion in e-learning classes during the current pandemic
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-4. -
Deintensification of radiotherapy in oropharyngeal carcinoma of squamous cells
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-5. -
Compliance with biosecurity measures proposed in 2004, post SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, for dentistry students.
Journal of Oral Research; 2021: S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021; 1-5. -
Influence of Covid-19 on Dentists and Routine Dental Practice in Libya
Journal of Oral Research; S-2 Covid-19 Special; 2020; 4-5. -
Importance of the use of pre- and intra-operative imaging as a tool for planning foreign body removal in the floor of the mouth: A Case Report.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-7. -
Comparative evaluation of dental pulp tests in pulpal status diagnostics.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-11. -
Oral health and quality of life of the geriatric patient: contexts of autonomy
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): March-April, 2022; 1-14. -
A cone-beam computed tomography study to assess anterior loop and other anatomic variations in mental foramen area in an Iranian population.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): January - February; 1-14. -
Sequelae in permanent dentition after trauma in primary dentition in patients assi-sted at Hospital Base Valdivia, Chile.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): January - February; 1-8. -
Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions in COVID 19 Infection from Mosul Hospital in Iraq: Epidemiological Study and Approach to Classification and Treatment
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 10 No. 6: November - December, 2021; 1-14. -
Formative research and didactic strategies in Dentistry.
Journal of Oral Research; Vol. 10 No. 6: November - December, 2021; 1-3.