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Satisfacción laboral y género: cómo impactan estas diferencias en el clima organizacional. Una reseña sistematizada;
Satisfação no trabalho e gênero: como essas diferenças impactam o clima organizacional. Uma revisão sistemática

dc.creatorNoll Araya, Paulina
dc.creatorRomero Alonso, Rosita
dc.creatorOrtiz Bacigalupo, Daniela
dc.descriptionWomen are gaining more and more space in the world of work, but differences persist in areas such as job satisfaction, gender stereotypes in the workplace, as well as difficulties in accessing professional promotion. This study is a systematised review of the literature on gender, climate and job satisfaction. It answers the question of whether there are studies that indicate differences in work climate and job satisfaction that can be attributed to gender. As a methodology, the SALSA strategy was used to organise the systematic search and the findings, 345 documents were analysed from the WOS, ERIC, DIALNET and SCIELO databases, of which 60 met the selection criteria described in the study and were published between 2011 and 2021. These documents correspond to scientific journal articles and conference papers, are mostly quantitative studies (78%), from five different continents and cover various economic areas. Some findings allow us to indicate that cultural biases have an impact on the way in which organisations implement policies to facilitate the integration of women; where there is gender discrimination perceived by women, both men and women rate the working environment at low levels; the higher the level of academic and professional training of women, job satisfaction tends to go down, as they are more aware of gender biases in the organisation.en-US
dc.descriptionLas mujeres cada día van ganando espacios en el mundo laboral, pero persisten diferencias en ámbitos como la satisfacción laboral, los estereotipos de género implantados en los espacios de trabajo, así como dificultades para acceder a promoción profesional. El presente estudio es una revisión sistematizada de literatura sobre género, clima y la satisfacción en el trabajo. Responde a la interrogante respecto a la existencia de estudios que indiquen diferencias en el clima y satisfacción laboral que puedan ser atribuidas a la condición de género. Como metodología se utilizó la estrategia SALSA que permite organizar la búsqueda sistemática y los hallazgos, se analizaron 345 documentos de las bases de datos WoS, ERIC, DIALNET y SciELO, de los cuales 60 cumplieron con los criterios de selección descritos en el estudio, entre ellos haber sido publicados entre 2011 y 2021. Estos documentos corresponden a artículos de revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, son estudios en su mayoría cuantitativos (72 %), de cinco continentes y abarcan diversos rubros económicos. Algunos hallazgos nos permiten indicar que los sesgos culturales impactan en la manera en que las organizaciones implementan políticas para facilitar la integración de la mujer; donde se produce discriminación de género percibida por las mujeres, tanto hombres como mujeres valoran en bajos niveles el clima laboral; a mayor nivel de formación académica y profesional de las mujeres, la satisfacción laboral tiende a bajar, pues están más conscientes de los sesgos de género en la organizació
dc.descriptionWomen are gaining more and more space in the world of work, but differences persist in areas such as job satisfaction, gender stereotypes in the workplace, as well as difficulties in accessing professional promotion. This study is a systematised review of the literature on gender, climate and job satisfaction. It answers the question of whether there are studies that indicate differences in work climate and job satisfaction that can be attributed to gender. As a methodology, the SALSA strategy was used to organise the systematic search and the findings, 345 documents were analysed from the WoS, ERIC, Dialnet and SciELO databases, of which 60 met the selection criteria described in the study and were published between 2011 and 2021. These documents correspond to scientific journal articles and conference papers, are mostly quantitative studies (72 %), from five different continents and cover various economic areas. Some findings allow us to indicate that cultural biases have an impact on the way in which organisations implement policies to facilitate the integration of women; where there is gender discrimination perceived by women, both men and women rate the working environment at low levels; the higher the level of academic and professional training of women, job satisfaction tends to go down, as they are more aware of gender biases in the
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Chilees-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2023 Journal of Management & Business Studieses-ES
dc.sourceJournal of Management & Business; Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023); 1-23en-US
dc.sourceJournal of Management & Business Studies; Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2023); 1-23es-ES
dc.subjectCultura organizacionales-ES
dc.subjectDivisión del trabajo por géneroes-ES
dc.subjectSatisfacción laborales-ES
dc.subjectEstudios de las mujereses-ES
dc.subjectRevisión bibliográficaes-ES
dc.subjectJ2 Demand and Supply of Labores-ES
dc.subjectSafety; Job Satisfaction; Related Public Policy J28es-ES
dc.subjectLabor Discrimination J71es-ES
dc.subjectPersonnel Economics: Labor Management M54es-ES
dc.subjectFeminist Economics B54es-ES
dc.subjectOrganizational cultureen-US
dc.subjectgender division of labouren-US
dc.subjectjob satisfactionen-US
dc.subjectwomens studiesen-US
dc.subjectbibliography compilationen-US
dc.subjectCultura organizacionalpt-BR
dc.subjectdivisão sexual do trabalhopt-BR
dc.subjectsatisfação no trabalhopt-BR
dc.subjectestudos femininospt-BR
dc.subjectrevisão bibliográficapt-BR
dc.titleJob satisfaction and gender: how these differences impact the organizational climate. A systematic reviewen-US
dc.titleSatisfacción laboral y género: cómo impactan estas diferencias en el clima organizacional. Una reseña sistematizadaes-ES
dc.titleSatisfação no trabalho e gênero: como essas diferenças impactam o clima organizacional. Uma revisão sistemáticapt-BR

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