Now showing items 1-20 of 48

      Authors Name
      Taborda, Alberto [3]
      Takano, Guillermo [3]
      Tamayo Palacios, Alejandro [3]
      Tapia Z., Ricardo [9]
      Tapia Zarricueta, Ricardo [54]
      Tapia-Fernández, Héctor Jesús [1]
      Terreros Arellano, Ma Graciela [3]
      Tesis doctoral de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad Católica [1]
      Tesis doctoral “La acción pública en favor de barrios vulnerables en Chile (2006-2010): Genealogía y desarrollo de los nuevos enfoques territorial y participativo” [1]
      Tesis doctoral, tutelada por el urbanista Dr. Mario Coyula para postular al grado de Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas de la Facultad de Arquitectura en el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría [1]
      Tesis para optar al grado de Magister en "Planificación Territorial Ambiental" en el Instituto del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de la Frontera de Temuco (2007) [1]
      the National Professional Council of Architecture and Auxiliary Professions, CNPAA [1]
      the second one is a postdoctoral project that is part of the group “Between Spaces” (Institute for Latin American Studies, Berlin Free Universit [1]
      Thesis to apply to the MA in “Environmental Land Planning”, Environment Institute, Universidad de la Frontera de Temuco (2007) [1]
      This article is part of the author’s doctoral thesis [1]
      This article presents the results of two research projects. The fi rst is a doctoral research, Roitman (2008) [1]
      This paper is part of the doctoral thesis conducted by the author, Superior Technical School of Architecture, Technical University of Madrid supervised by PhD Julio Pozueta E. [1]
      This paper was elaborated within the framework of the research project “The Rehabilitation of Consolidated Irregular Settlements in Latin American Cities: Towards a ‘Third Generation’ of Public Policy Analysis and Development” (2009-2012). [1]
      this program was implemented by a group of advisors to the Facultad de Arquitectura at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico hired by the Federal District’s Insti [1]
      This research derives from the Interdisciplinary and Interinstitutional Group of Studies and Research on Environment and Urban Space. [1]