Evaluation of an innovative teaching methodology for engineering involving companies and ICTs in a flipped classroom
González-Andrés, Fernando
Martínez-Morán, Olegario
Sánchez-Morán, Marta-Elena
Gómez-Barrios, Xiomar-A.
Morán, Antonio
Urbano-López-de-Meneses, Beatriz
This work presents an innovative education experience for engineering students, with the objective of connecting students to labor market, in the context of the regular subject practices, with the analysis of real cases of companies, and using as tools the ICTs and the flipped learning methodology. The assessment of the impact of this innovation education action consisted on the creation of data bases, and the organization of lecturers´ panels, and surveys for students and teachers. The most outstanding drawback raised by teachers was the lack of alignment between the companies’ needs and the curricula of the students. The students appreciated this kind of activity in the subject practices. The students also considered positive the use of ICTs as part of this innovative teaching-learning process, which are familiar technologies for them. According to the teachers, the action contributed to improve autonomous and collaborative teaching in Higher Education.