Browsing Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 7284
A fast and simple assay to quantify bacterial leukotoxin activity
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.6 2016. -
A four-category intervention analysis of EFL teachers’ Scaffolding Roles in Short-Focused Conversations
Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística; Vol. 51, Núm. 98 (2018): Diciembre. -
A glimpse to Laguna de los Cisnes, a field laboratory and natural monument in the Chilean Patagonia
Latin american journal of aquatic research v.45 n.2 2017. -
A global-level assessment of gulls (Larus spp.) as bioindicators of trace elements in coastal ecosystems
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research; Vol 51, No 2 (2023); 195-209. -
A gravidez na adolescência é fator de risco para o baixo peso ao nascer? (Brasil)
Revista chilena de pediatría v.71 n.5 2000. -
A Health Profession Against Smallpox: Vaccinators In Chile Between 1805 And 1887
Historia 396; Vol. 10, Núm. 3 (2020): Vol. 10, Número especial, 2020, Profesiones Sanitarias en Chile, Siglos XIX y XX. Prácticas, Saberes y Oficios en la Construcción del Estado Sanitario Asistencial; 39-66. -
A herpes simplex viral vector expressing green fluorescent protein can be used to visualize morphological changes in high-density neuronal culture
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.4 n.1 2001. -
A homogeneous fluorescence polarization assay for detection of Clostridium perfringenstype D epsilon antitoxin in serum of goats
Archivos de medicina veterinaria v.31 n.1 1999. -
Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Química v.45 n.1 2000. -
A laboratory scale device for microencapsulation of genetically engineered cells into alginate beads
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.5 n.3 2002. -
A legume genomics resource: The Chickpea Root Expressed Sequence Tag Database
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.8 n.2 2005. -
A Manuscript Writing Course for Biochemistry Undergraduates and Graduate Students in the Biomedical Sciences
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.5 n.1 2002. -
A matrix population model for the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research; Vol 48, No 5 (2020); 739-748. -
A microbial community analysis of the octocoral Eunicea fusca
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.15 n.5 2012. -
A molecular marker approach using intron flanking EST-PCR to map candidate genes in peach (Prunus persica)
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.15 n.5 2012. -
A most effective method for selecting a broad range of short and medium-chain-length polyhidroxyalcanoate producing microorganisms
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.10 n.3 2007. -
A nationwide biotechnology outreach and awareness program for Malaysian high schools
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.8 n.1 2005. -
A new approach to chemical modification protocols of Aspergillus niger and sorption of lead ion by fungal species
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.9 n.4 2006. -
A new benthic macrofauna and sediments sampler for attaching to otter trawl nets: comparison with the Van Veen grab
Latin american journal of aquatic research v.44 n.5 2016. -
A new benthic macrofauna and sediments sampler for attaching to otter trawl nets: comparison with the Van Veen grab
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research; Vol 44, No 5 (2016); 1116-1122.