Browsing Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 7284
A gravidez na adolescência é fator de risco para o baixo peso ao nascer? (Brasil)
Revista chilena de pediatría v.71 n.5 2000. -
A Health Profession Against Smallpox: Vaccinators In Chile Between 1805 And 1887
Historia 396; Vol. 10, Núm. 3 (2020): Vol. 10, Número especial, 2020, Profesiones Sanitarias en Chile, Siglos XIX y XX. Prácticas, Saberes y Oficios en la Construcción del Estado Sanitario Asistencial; 39-66. -
A herpes simplex viral vector expressing green fluorescent protein can be used to visualize morphological changes in high-density neuronal culture
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.4 n.1 2001. -
A homogeneous fluorescence polarization assay for detection of Clostridium perfringenstype D epsilon antitoxin in serum of goats
Archivos de medicina veterinaria v.31 n.1 1999. -
Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Química v.45 n.1 2000. -
A laboratory scale device for microencapsulation of genetically engineered cells into alginate beads
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.5 n.3 2002. -
A legume genomics resource: The Chickpea Root Expressed Sequence Tag Database
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.8 n.2 2005. -
A Manuscript Writing Course for Biochemistry Undergraduates and Graduate Students in the Biomedical Sciences
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.5 n.1 2002. -
A matrix population model for the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research; Vol 48, No 5 (2020); 739-748. -
A microbial community analysis of the octocoral Eunicea fusca
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.15 n.5 2012. -
A molecular marker approach using intron flanking EST-PCR to map candidate genes in peach (Prunus persica)
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.15 n.5 2012. -
A most effective method for selecting a broad range of short and medium-chain-length polyhidroxyalcanoate producing microorganisms
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.10 n.3 2007. -
A nationwide biotechnology outreach and awareness program for Malaysian high schools
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.8 n.1 2005. -
A new approach to chemical modification protocols of Aspergillus niger and sorption of lead ion by fungal species
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.9 n.4 2006. -
A new benthic macrofauna and sediments sampler for attaching to otter trawl nets: comparison with the Van Veen grab
Latin american journal of aquatic research v.44 n.5 2016. -
A new benthic macrofauna and sediments sampler for attaching to otter trawl nets: comparison with the Van Veen grab
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research; Vol 44, No 5 (2016); 1116-1122. -
A New Era In The Catholic Church? Continuities And Ruptures In The Reception Of The Ii Conference Of The Latin American Episcopal Council (Celam) In The Argentine Catholic Press (1968)
Historia 396; Vol. 12, Núm. 3 (2022): Vol. 13, Número especial 1, 2023; 129-156. -
A new gravity map of southern Chile and its preliminary interpretation
Revista geológica de Chile v.27 n.1 2000. -
A new low molecular mass alkaline cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from Amphibacillus sp. NRC-WN isolated from an Egyptian soda lake
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.16 n.6 2013. -
A new method: measurement of microleakage volume using human, dog and bovine permanent teeth
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.9 n.1 2006.