Browsing Universidad de los Andes by Title
Now showing items 98-117 of 136
The digital revolution of the Uber Economy. Redefining employment relations
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 6, Núm. 1 (2022); 1-21. -
The duplicity of sanctions and the nature of the liability of the legal person in case of work accident in Spain. Commentary to the Supreme Court Decision of December 15, 2015
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 126-134. -
The effects of law according to Francisco Suárez
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 1 (2018): Número especial sobre Francisco Suárez (1548-1617); 92-104. -
The elements of labor in digital platforms in the light of Chilean labor law jurisprudence
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 5, Núm. 2 (2021); 83-111. -
The excessive interference of the State in the family sphere. Commentary on Constitutional Court’s ruling on the bill that prescribes a guaranteed system for children’s rights. Rol No. 11.315/11.317-21-CPT (accumulated), 26 July 2021
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 5, Núm. 2 (2021); 174-184. -
The execution of the reached agreements within the framework of a mediation procedure: different continents, different solutions and one -apparently- common objective
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 1 (2019); 40-59. -
The External Audit as Means of Private Control over Corporate Administrations
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 33-64. -
The guilt principle: governing body of the subjective imputation for fraud or for imprudence
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 2 (2019); 147-163. -
The International Arbitration in Francisco Suárez’s work: due to an old controversy
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 1 (2018): Número especial sobre Francisco Suárez (1548-1617); 79-91. -
The issue of the “legitimacy” of the lastet chilean constitutions. A legal historical approach
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 7, Núm. 1 (2023); 1-18. -
The judicial term to formalize. An adequate review in light of the rules of the criminal process
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 5, Núm. 2 (2021); 112-138. -
The legal model of conciliation and mediation in Brazil
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 2 (2019); 1-12. -
The ne bis in idem principle and criminal res judicata as constituent elements of the accused’s right to defense
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 4, Núm. 2 (2020); 122-142. -
The non-binding nature of consultative opinions of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 200-214. -
The proof contrary fact regarding the legal presumption contemplated in the article 23 of the Organic Law on the Directorate of Labour (Commentary on the sentence of the Supreme Court, Court Nº 18865-2018)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 2 (2019); 114-119. -
The qualification of provision activities as a public service: critical review from substantive criteria provided by legal realism
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 4, Núm. 1 (2020); 86-111. -
The recourse resource in the Opposition Trial regulated in law Nº 20.720, regarding the Reorganization and Liquidation of Assets of Companies and Persons
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 1 (2019); 27-39. -
The reform of the canonical marriage annulment process Some reading keys from Magisterium of Pope Francis
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 85-100. -
The relationship between good faith, reasonable expectations, special or general provisions, purpose of the contract and significant imbalance in the letter g) of the article 16 of the Law N° 19.496: Comment to the sentence of the Supreme Court dated August 22, 2019, n° 9816-2019
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 4, Núm. 1 (2020); 150-159. -
The resurgence of the Theory of Unpredictability as a matter of lege ferenda in times of pandemic and the opening of the Supreme Court to embrace it (commentary of the sentence of the Supreme Court, Role number 28.122-2018)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 4, Núm. 1 (2020); 167-174.