Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 23852
La sexualización del amor cristiano en el falso misticismo: huellas históricas, ambigüedad discursiva y semejanzas ideológicas
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 295-341. -
El amor en María Magdalena. Una lectura al evangelio de Juan según Buenaventura
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 411-427. -
Reflexiones sobre la relación entre fe y mística. Contrapunto entre Edith Stein y Ernst Tugendhat
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 369-409. -
L’inexistence de Dieu dans la phénoménologie de la donation de Jean-Luc Marion
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 343-368. -
Producción teológica en América Latina y el Caribe. Elenco bibliográfico 2023
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 429-474. -
Defensa de tesis doctoral: Juan Pablo Espinosa-Arce
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 489-502. -
Sergio Silva Gatica nombrado Profesor Emérito de la PUC
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 475-487. -
In memoriam
Teología y Vida; Vol. 65 No. 3 (2024); 503-505. -
Polarity shifting in opinion mining through quantification in English
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 206-226. -
Amanda T. Abbott-Jones: Cognitive and Emotional Study Strategies for Students with Dyslexia in Higher Education: (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 449 pages)
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 227-233. -
Methodologies and models in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 183-199. -
Charteris-Black, Jonathan: Metaphors of coronavirus: Invisible enemy or zombie apocalypse? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 317 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-85105-7 (paperback). E-book 978-3-030-85106-4)
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 200-205. -
Theory of mind and indirect speech acts comprehension in a group of first episode schizophrenic patients
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 78-95. -
Writing in the classroom as a learning strategy for fourth year students of Basic General Education in Manabí, Ecuador
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 124-151. -
The workings and translatability of metaphors in eleven “Hadith”
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 01-18. -
A gender-based study of interpersonal metadiscourse markers in the research papers of Iranian senior undergraduate students of translation studies
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 36-64. -
An investigation of the Goal-over-Sourcepredominance hypothesis across Noncanonical Spatial Events in Ilami Kurdish
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 96-123. -
Hypotaxis in indirect interrogatives clauses in Aristotle’s Categories
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 65-77. -
The Chinese translation of the poetesses of the 27 generation
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 171-182. -
Gradation and scales in sobre- prefixation
Onomázein ; No. 65 (2024): September; 19-35.