School leadership for education quality: findings from an emerging field of study
Liderazgo Directivo para la calidad de la educación: aprendizajes desde un campo de investigación emergente.
Weinstein, José
Muñoz, Gonzalo
Flessa, Joseph
Full text
To originate inclusive schools is a current challenge in Ecuador. Many students drop out in secondary education. It is necessary to answer this problem developing projects within schools in order to change the culture, politics and practices of students, teachers and families. In this paper is presented the first part of a project which seek to improve inclusive processes and relationships in a school situated in a deprived context in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Firstly, it is shown a brief introduction about the inclusion in Ecuador and about the benefits of the inclusion. Then, it is presented the materials and methods of the research. In a third paragraph, it can be observed the results which lead to the discussion in the last paragraph. .