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Differences in the Implementation of a Social and Emotional Learning Program in Schools of Varied      Sizes

dc.creatorMariscal , Vicentees
dc.descriptionIn recent years, numerous studies have delved into the impact of universal and evidence-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs within the spectrum of pre-primary to secondary education.  Implementation nuances  significantly influence these programs’ efficacy, with school leaders playing a pivotal role in facilitating their integration into diverse educational contexts. This article presents a multiple case study examining the implementation of the Trabün SEL program in two schools of different sizes. Using a mix of individual and group interviews, this study aims to pinpoint key differences in factors influencing implementation. It also explores the strategies used by school principals and program heads to support Trabün SEL program implementation in their respective schools. The results show variations in the commitment and motivation of school principals, the willingness of teachers to participate, communication dynamics among participants, the working environment, and the strategies employed for program support and monitoring. The conclusions of this report carry significant implications for educational institutions promoting SEL      programs, emphasizing the importance  of effective communication management and the need for diversified support strategies and monitoring approaches tailored to schools of different
dc.descriptionIn recent years, numerous studies have delved into the impact of universal and evidence-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs within the spectrum of pre-primary to secondary education.  Implementation nuances  significantly influence these programs’ efficacy, with school leaders playing a pivotal role in facilitating their integration into diverse educational contexts. This article presents a multiple case study examining the implementation of the Trabün SEL program in two schools of different sizes. Using a mix of individual and group interviews, this study aims to pinpoint key differences in factors influencing implementation. It also explores the strategies used by school principals and program heads to support Trabün SEL program implementation in their respective schools. The results show variations in the commitment and motivation of school principals, the willingness of teachers to participate, communication dynamics among participants, the working environment, and the strategies employed for program support and monitoring. The conclusions of this report carry significant implications for educational institutions promoting SEL      programs, emphasizing the importance  of effective communication management and the need for diversified support strategies and monitoring approaches tailored to schools of different sizes.en
dc.publisherConsejo Nacional de Educaciónes
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2023 Calidad en la Educaciónes
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; No. 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónen
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónes-AR
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; Núm. 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónes
dc.subjectaprendizaje socioemocionales
dc.subjectprogramas de aprendizaje socioemocional ASEes
dc.subjectliderazgo educacionales
dc.subjecttamaño del colegioes
dc.subjectinvestigación cualitativaes
dc.subjectestudio de casoses
dc.subjectSocial and Emotional Learningen
dc.subjectSEL Programsen
dc.subjectEducational Leadershipen
dc.subjectSchool Sizeen
dc.subjectQualitative Researchen
dc.subjectCase Studyen
dc.titleDiferencias en la implementación de un programa de aprendizaje socioemocional en escuelas de distinto tamañoes
dc.titleDifferences in the Implementation of a Social and Emotional Learning Program in Schools of Varied      Sizesen

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