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The National Diagnostic Evaluation (END): perceptions and considerations for Initial Teacher Training from students and career directors

dc.creatorRuffinelli, Andreaes
dc.creatorCisternas, Tatianaes
dc.creatorFörster, Carlaes
dc.creatorDonoso, Franciscaes
dc.descriptionThe article explores the knowledge, assessments, expectations and recommendations of student teachers and their career managers regarding the centralized and standardized evaluation applied to them in Chile (National Diagnostic Evaluation, NDT) to assess the quality of initial training, considering that those evaluated have been largely overlooked in this policy. Utilizing a consecutive mixed design, we conducted individual interviews, focus groups and a survey. The findings offer novel insights for revising the policy. While the participants express support for a national evaluation, they understand it primarily as a tool for improvement. Critiques center around the current instrument’s limitations in terms of standardization and the absence of practical performance evaluation. They also highlight concerns about insufficient information on the instrument and emphasize the need for a detailed description of results to facilitate  interpretation and use for improvement.  In conclusion, the study advocates for a comprehensive  review of the multiple objectives of this evaluation, prompting reflection on the meaning and scope of evaluative mechanisms to strengthen initial teacher
dc.descriptionThe article explores the knowledge, assessments, expectations and recommendations of student teachers and their career managers regarding the centralized and standardized evaluation applied to them in Chile (National Diagnostic Evaluation, NDT) to assess the quality of initial training, considering that those evaluated have been largely overlooked in this policy. Utilizing a consecutive mixed design, we conducted individual interviews, focus groups and a survey. The findings offer novel insights for revising the policy. While the participants express support for a national evaluation, they understand it primarily as a tool for improvement. Critiques center around the current instrument’s limitations in terms of standardization and the absence of practical performance evaluation. They also highlight concerns about insufficient information on the instrument and emphasize the need for a detailed description of results to facilitate  interpretation and use for improvement.  In conclusion, the study advocates for a comprehensive  review of the multiple objectives of this evaluation, prompting reflection on the meaning and scope of evaluative mechanisms to strengthen initial teacher training.en
dc.publisherConsejo Nacional de Educaciónes
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2023 Calidad en la Educaciónes
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; No. 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónen
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónes-AR
dc.sourceCalidad en la Educación; Núm. 59 (2023): Revista Calidad en la Educaciónes
dc.subjectFormación Inicial Docentees
dc.subjectpolíticas educativases
dc.subjectrendición de cuentases
dc.subjecteducación superiores
dc.subjectEvaluación Nacional Diagnóstica (END)es
dc.subjectInitial Teacher Trainingen
dc.subjectEducational Policiesen
dc.subjectHigher Educationen
dc.subjectNational Diagnostic Evaluation (END)en
dc.titleLa Evaluación Nacional Diagnóstica (END): percepciones y consideraciones para la Formación Inicial Docente desde estudiantes y directores de carrerases
dc.titleThe National Diagnostic Evaluation (END): perceptions and considerations for Initial Teacher Training from students and career directorsen

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