Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 136
Thomas More: between Law and conscience
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 1 (2018): Número especial sobre Francisco Suárez (1548-1617); 105-112. -
Syndication and trade union action in private employment agencies: ideas deduced from comparative experience
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 29-42. -
Corberá Martínez, José Miguel (2017). Los conflictos entre las marcas y las denominaciones sociales. Últimos desarrollos en el sistema de marcas de la Unión Europea. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. 523 páginas.
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 2 (2017); 152-154. -
Fernández, Gonzalo (2015). El elemento subjetivo de justificación. Buenos Aires: B de F. 213 páginas
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 138-140. -
Martínez Rosado, Javier (2017). Los pactos parasociales. Madrid: Marcial Pons. 370 páginas.
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 2 (2017); 149-151. -
Commentary about the right to the natural judge in the accusatory criminal process and the principle forum delicti commissi (Sentence Court of Appeals of Santiago, September 8, 2017. Rol Corte Nº 3125-2017)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 2 (2017); 109-116. -
Legal nature of the independent coordinator in Chilean electric system
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 1-28. -
The non-binding nature of consultative opinions of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 200-214. -
The right to trial in the criminal proceedings of parliamentarians charged with a crime
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 164-169. -
The right to oblivion in Internet: background and bases for its legal configuration
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 43-66. -
Fraud bankruptcy and property disassociation Commentary of the Court of Appeal of Santiago, August 10th, 2016 (Case Role number 2127-2016)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 170-180. -
Legal claim against rulings issued by the Labor Authority, in which there is no specific possibility to appeal (Sentence Court of Appeals of Santiago, June 23, 2017. Rol N° 716-2017)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 2 (2017); 126-129. -
Overtime construction-works in a lump-sum price contract Commentary on a sentence in the Supreme Court (Third Room), on June 7, 2017
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 115-122. -
The Supreme Court’s doctrine in the negligence per se matter in environmental damages of collective legal persons (Commentary of the cassation sentence, December 13th, 2016, role N° 17.736-2016)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 189-199. -
The reform of the canonical marriage annulment process Some reading keys from Magisterium of Pope Francis
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 1, Núm. 1 (2017); 85-100. -
How to define person in the Chilean Law? (Constitutional Court sentence, August 28th, 2017. Case Role number 3729-17)
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 181-188. -
About the decriminalization of abortion for three causes and the constitutional paradox: commentary regarding the Constitutional Court’s sentence rol n°3729 (3751)-17-cpt
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2018); 123-163. -
Machiavelli and Suárez, or an expectedunexpected encounter
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 2, Núm. 1 (2018): Número especial sobre Francisco Suárez (1548-1617); 1-14. -
The execution of the reached agreements within the framework of a mediation procedure: different continents, different solutions and one -apparently- common objective
REVISTA JURÍDICA DIGITAL UANDES; Vol. 3, Núm. 1 (2019); 40-59.