Browsing URBE: Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 64
Aerodynamic thresholds as a design strategy to mitigate the effects of wind in public space
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 14 (2022); 5-21. -
Analysis of the importance of loneliness in the spatiality and setting of the work of Luis Barragán
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 17 (2023); 36-51. -
Analysis of use and appropriation of tsunami mitigation parks: Case studies of mitigation parks in Tomé and Cobquecura municipalities
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 16 (2023); 78-98. -
Approving the zoning plan of Ñuñoa through the creative use of the rules
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 10 (2020); 19-26. -
Building performance evaluation
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 16 (2023); 120-132. -
Campus of the University of Concepción: Relevant urban space for the construction of city and society
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 10 (2020); 27-38. -
Cities for People
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 11 (2020); 5-8. -
Citizen Participation in Urban Scale Projects The case of the Isla Cautín Urban Park, Temuco Chile
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 16 (2023); 6-25. -
Covers ISSUE 16
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 16 (2023); 1. -
Designing with the climate: challenges for a sustainable architecture
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 12 (2021); 98-109. -
Disarticulation of the city-port assembly in intermediate-scale systems. Process and alternatives for Lebu, Biobío Region.
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 14 (2022); 95-113. -
Emergency housing adaptations: informal solutions to constructive precariousness, case of Las Algas camp, Talcahuano
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 14 (2022); 22-38. -
From foreign to native on the old Biobio frontier: Analysis of spatial appropriation as Mapuche-Lavkenche territorial recovery in the Metropolitan Area of Concepción
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 12 (2021); 53-68. -
Gender and living on the coast. A contrast between traditional and modern aspects from an anthropological-architectural point of view in Mehuin, Los Rios Region
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 16 (2023); 61-77. -
IFC.js libraries for a collaborative architecture and construction industry.
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 14 (2022); 114-120. -
Impact of urbanization on Pewenche territory: The case of the village Villa Ralco, Alto Biobío
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 13 (2021); 21-35. -
Indigenous Rural Housing: Pewenche territorial identity and the response of housing policies to their needs in Alto Biobío, Chile
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 12 (2021); 69-84. -
Intervention strategies with public space and practices of dwelling to mitigate environmental impacts of urban growth in Puerto Bolívar, Machala, Ecuador
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 14 (2022); 77-94. -
La memoria y resiliencia de habitantes de la comuna de Hualqui frente a desbordes del río Biobío
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 17 (2023); 93-110. -
Light and shadows of tactical urbanism: Analysis of two projects in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia
URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio; No. 12 (2021); 85-97.