Browsing Palimpsesto. Revista Científica de Estudios Sociales Iberoamericanos by Title
Now showing items 143-162 of 174
Ten Theses on the Concept of Addiction in the Work of Deleuze and Guattari
Palimpsesto; Vol 13 No 22 (2023): Miscellaneous; 16-45. -
The Hispanic-Catholic Meridian of Argentina in the 1930s
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
The History of Mexican Literature and Spanish Literature in El Museo Mexicano (1843-1846)
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
The Italian Operation Condor Trial: Limits of the Criminal Aapproach to the Transnational Repressive Coordination in the Trial Attempts Justice from Abroad.
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 12 (2017): Dossier: Diálogos y debates sobre la violencia en América Latina; 040-075. -
The Magazine Universe of the UTE: Networks and Debates for the University Transformation between 1947 and 1973
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 31-53. -
The Political Group of the Magazines Militancia Peronista para la Liberación and De Frente con las bases Peronistas (1973-1974): An Editorial and Militant Experience
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 126-155. -
The Portal Journal: its Contribution to the Conformation of the Chilean Cultural Field and the Debate around "the Latin American” 1965-1969
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
The problem of sense in violence. Contributions of the phenomenological-interpretative approach to the analysis of judicial sources
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 8 No 13 (2018); 060-072. -
The Romancero aux étoiles of Jacques Stephen Alexis as a Suture of a Split Nation
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
The tango between two shores: the representations in The United States 1910-1930
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 9 (2016); 48-67. -
The Validity of Ferdinand de Saussure in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 9 No 15 (2019): Dossier: Validity of Saussure and Current Challenges in the Study of Language; 68-84. -
The Weekly Chile Hoy and the Project of the Chilean Way to Socialism (1972-1973)
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 103-125. -
The XXI Century Bureaucrat: From Rational Dictatorship to Optimal Management Democratization
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 20 (2022): Miscellaneous; 87-96. -
Think about historiographical construction from its operational complexity. Interview whit Fernando Betancourt Martínez
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 11 (2017); 207-215. -
Three Versions on the Conflict between Clarisas and Franciscans Occurred in the Seventeenth Century
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 9 No 16 (2019): Miscellaneous; 40-55. -
Trajectory of Female Labor Informality in Chile in the Pandemic Road
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 21 (2022): Dossier: Trabajo, protección social y políticas públicas en América Latina. Difracciones para la (post)pandemia en el sur; 1-24. -
Transport of aguardiente to Callao, by the South Sea, 1777
Palimpsesto; Edición Especial: Diálogos coloniales, miradas cruzadas. Apuntes para la historia colonial chilena.; 151-160. -
Trials of Reformulation of the Communist Project in the Late Work of Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 18 (2021): Misceláneo; 1-18. -
Two Suspicious Interviews of Neruda
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 9 No 15 (2019): Dossier: Validity of Saussure and Current Challenges in the Study of Language; 85-107. -
Un debate necesario sobre la composición del campo revisteril. Hacia una cartografía de las revistas político-culturales chilenas en el periodo 1960-1973
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 1-30.